Kakashi's Last Haw

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A/N: I think I'm just gonna write from the dub ver while writing these please don't come for me :'))) (I'm also going to use U.S dollars when talking about money because like hell I'm gonna convert money each time I write)

"He's late." 

Naruto grumbled while looking outside the door, on the look-out for your extremely late sensei

You knew that Kakashi would be late but not this late, at first, you were patient and slept a good amount of time but even when you woke up Kakashi still wasn't there

At this point, you were banging your head onto a desk repeatedly and the desk was cracking as your forehead was bleeding profusely onto it, making it look like a murder had taken place on top of it

Nobody seemed to notice the loud sounds of your head hitting the desk or the cracking sounds that ensued for some reason

"Naruto! Just sit down!"

"I don't want to! How come our teacher's the only one that's late?! I'm ready to roll! Believe it! The other groups already met their new teachers and took off on some adventure or something and Iruka sensei's gone too!"

"We know okay" 

Sakura looked over at Naruto as she heard him start to put the chalkboard eraser on top of the door

"Hey! what are you doing?!" 

As Sakura walked over to Naruto he laughed in anticipation


"That's what he gets for coming late! Suprise~!"

"You're asking for trouble, You know you shouldn't do that" Sakura reprimanded

You had stopped banging your head and all that was left was a busted desk with blood over it while your head continued to bleed, But that didn't matter, You knew that inside Sakura was rejoicing at the prank

"Hmph, our teacher's a jonin an elite ninja you think he'd fall for that?"

"Yeah Naruto-" You shook your head

"Y/n you're agreeing with him?-" Naruto was about to voice his disbelief and Sakura was about to agree when you cut them off

"That's WEAK" you finished

"I- wait what" Naruto was confused and so was Sakura

"I'm shaking my head Naruto, I thought I taught you better" You voiced your disappointment at Naruto

"If you're going to place something on top of the door place a liquid! here-" You took out a bucket filled with mustard, ketchup, and mayo from under the cracked desk and handed it to him

Sakura and Sasuke looked at you in a bit of disbelief

"Hn, That's still not gonna work" Sasuke voiced his doubts

Sakura agreed relatively quickly

You slammed 20 dollars onto Sasuke's desk (mostly because your desk was...not in the best condition)

"I bet 20 dollars our sensei's going to fall for it!" You grinned at your guaranteed victory

"...You'll lose anyway" Sasuke placed his own 20 dollars on the desk and Sakura followed suit while claiming she was on Sasuke's side

Naruto was going to switch the chalk eraser with the horrible mixture you provided him with but unfortunately, he couldn't change it out in time and the eraser fell on Kakashi's head

Naruto started laughing at Kakashi, Sakura was apologizing trying to save her own tail, Sasuke doubted his status, and you chuckled while still bleeding and sitting at the desk you fucked up, but not before collecting your reward of course

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