A sentimental reunion

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IMPORTANT A/N: to understand what's going to happen you'll NEED to read the quotev 200 heart special for Gaara (it's published here as well so you don't need to go to quotev) otherwise you'll just be confused


That's all you saw.

Just, the never ending abyss that was black.

And then...

You felt your eyelids twitch as they slowly opened

Your eyes opened fully only to close because you were not expecting them to be assaulted by the light


After repeating the act of opening your eyes and immediately closing them again in pain while you cussed out everything over and over again you were finally able to withstand the brightness of the light and keep your eyes opened

You looked around and studied your surroundings, you recognized this place...it was where Kakashi layed when he was fatigued

'Hhh, I feel like total shit'

You attempted to sit up but failed and fell back

Your body felt like it had went ahead, ran a marathon and won, it felt extremely sore and you could barely even twitch without being in pain

'Why do I do this to myself...am I a masochist or something?'

As you questioned yourself you noticed there was no one in the room

'Where is everyone? Did I actually save Haku and Zabuza or did I almost die for the sadistic pleasure of the readers- wait what.'

Just as you had an existential crisis Naruto busted in and saved you from the dark clutches of your own mind

"Y/N! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Naruto barreled straight towards you and didn't give you any time to prepare before body slamming straight into you

You saw stars.

"Naruto! Y/n is still injured!" Sakura tried to pry Naruto off of you as she scolded him

Naruto held on to you for dear life and hugged you like a koala

"N-Naruto...Broski, If that Chidori didn't kill me you'll finish the job..." You barely managed to wheeze out those words as the world was starting to go black again

Naruto quickly stopped hugging you, to your relief

Only to start shaking you in worry.


"Idiot. You're going to make their condition worse" Sasuke made his presence known by insulting Naruto

"Idiot?! Why, I oughta-" Naruto let go of you and rolled up his sleeves, ready to make Sasuke make friends with the floor

Kakashi quickly interfered before any real damage could be done

"Now, Now, let's try to not start fights when Y/n has finally woken up" Kakashi chided

Everyone seemed to stop as they realized that this wasn't just a dream and you truly were alive and well

Sakura was the first to show a reaction as she hugged you gently trying to not inflict any pain onto you, and began to cry

"You...!" She choked on a sob as she tried to be angry at you

Once Naruto saw Sakura start crying he started crying as well

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