Chapter 9: Girl Almighty.

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[ Her light is as loud as many ambulances
as it takes to save a savior ]


      I knock on Mr. King's door and go in when he said I could. The same seven people sat in the same seats as yesterday. They looked at me, probably judging my clothes. Not that there was anything wrong with them. At least I didn't think there was. Okay, not the point. "Emily, have you decided?" Mr. King asks as I sit down. The guys are looking at me with hope in their eyes. 

      "I have. And, I have decided that, yes." 

      "Yes... You'll be our photographer?" Niall asks hopefully. 

      I nod, "Yes." The guys silently celebrate. Did they really like my photos that much? 

      "Great." James smiles. 

      "Emily, just know you are doing a great thing for the company." Mr. King says. 

      After a lot of signing contracts and adding phone numbers to my contacts and the boys fighting over their contact names, I have officially become part of 'Team 1D' as they like to call it. James has given me the upcoming tour dates and given me information about the tour. "That's pretty much it." Mr. King says. 

      "Tour starts this weekend. We will be leaving on Saturday morning at around 4:50." James says. "There will be a driver picking you up at exactly 4:10." I nod and set an alarm for 3:30. 



      I've finally finished packing and have now zipped my luggage shut. It's barely 5, surely Yomara should still be at the diner. I quickly get my shoes on and leave the apartment. 

      I walk inside the diner while fixing my glasses. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Yomara smiles. 

      "Thought that I could use a pina colada before I'm gone for the next two months." I say sitting down. 

      "Awe, Oli! Get Emily her drink!" Not long after, Oli brings me a pina colada with a smile. 

      "God, I'm gonna miss you guys." I pout while sipping the drink. 

      "No worries, I'll drink the pina colada for you everyday." Yomara jokes. 

       I roll my eyes, "Jee. Thanks."

      Overall, wasn't a bad way to spend my last day.



      I lock my door with a yawn and grab a hold of my luggage. I make my way towards the elevator and press the number 1 to the lobby. I quickly fix my ponytail and move my glasses up the bridge of my nose. Just thinking about the boy's reaction when they see me in sweatpants and a tank top with a sweater gave me chills. They have never seen me without makeup, not that I wear much, or without my usual jeans. They also have never seen me with my glasses, the reason being that I believed it was uncomfortable to wear glasses while taking photos. 

      I walk out of the elevator with my luggage and bag. As expected, a black Range Rover sits outside the lobby. A man steps out and opens the trunk. He takes my luggage from my hands and opens the back door. I give him a smile as a 'thank you' and get in. He closes my door and puts my things into the trunk. 

      About 30 minutes later, the driver parks in front of, I'm assuming, a private jet. I get out of the car with my bag over my shoulder as the man takes my luggage to where the rest were. James comes my way with a smile. "Good morning, Emily." He greets. I smile tiredly. "I hope it wasn't much trouble waking up this morning." 

      "Not at all," I reply with a yawn following. He chuckles, looking unbothered by the lack of sleep. 

      "Go ahead and get on, the boys should be on already." 

      I feel panic rush through me, "I wasn't late, was I?" 

      James chuckles again, "No, you weren't. You were just on time." I sigh of relief and climb the stairs to the jet.

      Oooh. Very homey. Most of the boys are already on, talking to each other. They smile when they see me. "Emily!" Louis chants. 

      "Shh! It's too early." I say with a yawn. Again. 

      The boys chuckle, "Lay down there, you can sleep until we get there." Liam says pointing a small couch. 

      "Or I can just sit here." I tease, sitting at a regular seat by the window. I sat and placed my bag on my lap. I take out my phone and send a quick message to Yomara, even though I know she's asleep.

To Yomara: On the plane already. Before you ask, no, I still don't think any of the boys look hot. 

      Niall comes onto the plane with his hair hidden under his hoodie. He looks my way and smiles. I smile back and wave, which he gladly returns before sitting by Harry. I take out my headphones and plug them into my phone. I turn on my phone and go onto Spotify, feeling in an Ozzy Osbourne type of mood. "Mind if I sit?" I look up and see Niall, his hands are shoved into the pockets of his sweatpants. 

      "Not at all." I smile. He sits and glances at my screen.

      "Ozzy Osbourne, eh?" I look back at him and nod. 

      "What is he, like, R&B?" My jaw drops. 

      "You don't know Ozzy Osbourne?" I question, shocked. 

      He shakes his head, "Am I supposed to?" 

      "He's only the greatest musician of all time! How do you not know him?" 

       "Answer my question first." I roll my eyes playfully. 

      "He's rock." 

      "Rock music? You do not seem like a rock person." 

      My jaw drops, "I take that to offense." I state. He laughs making me smile. 

      "Okay, well, while you listen to Grizzly-" 

      "Ozzy Osbourne." I point my finger at him and glare, making him laugh. 

      "I'll be listening to 'Hey DJ'." 

      I smile, "Have you been doing your CNCO research?" 

      He shrugs, "Maybe." I let out a small chuckle as he plugs in his own headphones. I plug in mine and start to play 'Take What You Want' by Ozzy, Post Malone, and Travis Scott. I look over to Niall and see him mouthing the words to 'Hey DJ' making me giggle. He opens one eye and looks at me, I see him smile after closing his eye again. 


[ Girl Almighty - One Direction ]



Honestly, if you don't know who Ozzy Osbourne is, I'm sorry but we can't be friends. 

Here is the song Emily was listening to: [Take What You Want- Ozzy Osbourne, Post Malone, and Travis Scott]

And here is the song Niall was listening to: [Hey DJ- CNCO and Yandel]

You can listen to them if you want. You don't have to.

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All the love, C. xx

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