Chapter 14: Undrunk.

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[ At five in the morning, I would un-fuck you.
But somethings you can't undo ]


      My alarm blares from somewhere in the room making me groan. Note taken. Never drinking again. I rub my eyes while sitting up. I finally open them. No, no, no. This cannot be happening. "Shit, shit, shit." I pull off a sheet of the many making Niall stir in his sleep. I grab my clothes and basically run into the restroom slamming the door behind me. What have we done? We've ruined our friendship, that's what we've done. Niall groans from the other side of the door. 

      "Dammit..." I hear him mutter. He probably realized the same thing I did. 

      I hear him knock on the door. "Em, you in there?" He asks softly. Should I respond? 

      "Uh, y-yeah." 

      "About last night," 

      "Niall, it was a mistake." I say after putting on my clothes. I finally look at my reflection. Mascara is smudged and so is my lipstick. 

      "A mistake?" He finally asks. I wash off the make up and  open the door. He stands there with a confused expression now fully dressed. "You thought it was a mistake?" He asked, hurt clearly evident in his voice. 

      "You don't?" I ask him while walking past him. 

      "No. I just thought-" 

      "Niall, it shouldn't have happened. We were drunk. Clearly we were not thinking." 

      "You're ashamed, aren't you?" I scoff and cross my arms. 

      "Where do you get that I'm ashamed from 'clearly we weren't thinking'?" I asked. He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it again. "I'm sorry, Niall, I'm sorry that I'm not like every other one night stand that you've had that tries getting in contact with you or goes telling everyone 'Oh, guess what, I had a one night stand with Niall Fucking Horan'" I snap. Both me and him surprised by my sudden outburst. I take a breath and sigh. "Niall, I'm not mad. I'm not ashamed that we had sex. I'm ashamed that we just screwed up our friendship. It shouldn't have happened, but there are some things that we can't undo, and this is one of them." 

      Niall nods, "I get it meant nothing to you, but it meant something to me. If it makes you feel any better, I won't tell anyone about it." 

      "Were you going to, even if I was proud of it?" I ask. Niall runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head. 

      He sighs, "I'm gonna go. We're probably leaving in a bit." He says quickly before grabbing his jacket and leaving my room. 

      I run a hand through my hair while thoughts ran through my mind.

      This just ruined Niall and I's friendship. How could I have let that happen? Oh I know, I got drunk off my ass, even after I told myself I would never get that drunk ever again. I shouldn't have gone with them in the first place, then maybe none of this would have happened. Right now, Niall and I could have still been friends. 

      I should probably get my stuff together. I fix my hair and take out my contacts and slip on my glasses. My head still throbbing. I go down to the lobby and see almost everyone. The boys greet me tiredly and Harry notices my off state. "Hey, you okay?" He asks. 

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