Year 2 - 8

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"Hello my fellow twins," I greeted cheerfully. "Care to help me prank Lockhart? It'll be one to remember."

George and Fred paused on their way to class, turned to face me fully, and grinned.

"You have—"

"—our attention."

"We can't do it until after exams. Hogwarts doesn't have a replacement for him, so we need to keep him 'til then," I warned them sternly. "It'll be risky business, boys. Borderline illegal."

"Like last year's adventure?" Fred asked with both of his eyebrows raised.

"Yep," I answered, popping the p. "But if you agree, I'll give you what's left over."

"Left over?" George inquired.

I pulled out the bottle of veritaserum. "Veritaserum. I brewed it. I only need a few drops for Lockhart."

Their eyes bulged and they held out their hands to me. As I shook their hands they exclaimed in synch, "Deal!"


"Okay, Madam," I said as my boots crunched into the snow. "Here's the thing. You break another bone and we can't play anymore. Neither of us wants that, so let's try to stick to bruising."

The Whomping Willow waved her branches as if to say feh.

"Ready? Here I come!"

And at long, long last I played against the Whomping Willow without breaking a bone.

She did bruise the ever living hell out of me though.


Several weeks went by. Exams were trying, but not difficult. Everyone in our group felt they had done a decent job of it. Once exams were done and over with that meant that Professor Lockhart was no longer needed at Hogwarts.

Which meant only one thing: it was time to get rid of him.

Oh, it was such a lovely April morning, too. I got up out of bed, a skip in my step as I carried Iris with me down to breakfast. Even Tom was in a good mood—Professor Lockhart had rubbed him the wrong way since the start and it only worsened as the year went on.

I had a feeling that if Tom had a physical body he would have made Professor Snape and Daphne win their bets on how Lockhart would end his year. He had repeatedly muttered quietly that he knew a curse to fill his lungs with water.

George and Fed had been given the heads up, and early last night I sent a letter to Madam Bones.

Breakfast was served with toast, bacon, eggs, sausages, apples, and many other yummy things. I piled up my plate with one hand as I fed Iris bits of bacon with the other. My gaze was focused on the High Table where the professors sat.

The twins and I had studied Lockhart's routine. At exactly nine o'clock he enters with a flourish. By nine o'five he takes his first sip from his morning coffee.

At eight forty five that morning the twins started up a game of catch over at their table. It was harmless fun, nothing that would warrant a professor from stopping them. They tossed a ball back and forth between one another until they roped in their Gryffindor Chasers, then Harry joined in, then Ron, and then the ball ended up on the Slytherin side so of course they joined in.

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