The Bucket List / Q&A

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Questions I forgot to answer / couldn't figure out how to comfortably fit in.

Reincarnation isn't special, everyone dies and is reborn. Rosie was simply someone who remembered.

If Rosie remembered all of her past lives, her Patronus & Animagus would have been a phoenix.

The Dementors did not bother her because Rosie's old soul craves the peace of death. Dementors in this story are personifications of death, they feed on the bonds/attachments/links souls have to their lives to encourage them to pass on peacefully. A soul eaten by a dementor is utterly purified--a genuine reset button--so when they reincarnate, they will be reborn as a completely blank slate.

Dumbledore purposefully invited Rosie to a solo Alchemy class so he could study her and hopefully learn more about her connection with Tom.

I kept swapping between Lunar's Orchard and Lunar's Orchid for the entire story and no one called me out. I could not--and still cannot--decide which name I liked best so I kept swapping like the indecisive lil bitch I am. :) Thanks for not calling me out. Now re-readers can stumble over it. You will never not notice it now.

To piss off Harry without getting caught: Tom held up two fingers in the v shape and slowly licked in between.



● Will there be a sequel?

No. I'm dipping out the HP fandom to finish my HxH story and drown in Mystic Messenger. Any future HP stories will be with a different iteration of Lilly.

● Did Harry & Rosie do the memory swap before the time travel?

Yes. Rosie also included memories of their parents.

● Would you say they (Tom and Rosie) have song?

Tom - I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry (shoutout to emo0trash0panda for the recommendation).

Rosie - Foolish by Meghan Trainor

● For Booboo: What happened to the rest of the dementors after they decided to abandon their post to help Voldemort kill people?

Booboo: ...

Rosie: I gotchu honey. Booboo was the only dementor killing the Death Eaters. The rest of them had to be rounded up by Aurors and sent back to Azkaban. A few escaped though.

● For Sirius: Who struck down Bellatrix? What did you do in the fighting?

Sirius: My priority was the safety of my kids. I found Harry, but I couldn't Rosie so I went out looking for her. It was a bit of a blur. Moony and I took out a lot of Death Eaters. I don't know who killed Bellatrix, but I know it was a pretty gruesome death. She was torn limb from limb.

● For Rosie: If the universe you inhabited was not bound by fate or destiny, and any number of things you did could completely derail the "plot", how would this have changed your planning?

Rosie: If Plot did not exist, Lily and James probably would have taken me seriously and brought Dumbledore to me. I would have done my best to convince him of the betrayal. So... to start off with, James and Lily wouldn't have died. I would have still tried to form Lunar's Orchid, but I probably would have been successful the first time I tried to kill Umbridge without the Plot protecting her. Mmm... Probably no escape from Azkaban, so I don't think I would have met Booboo which would have sucked. Maybe not even a TriWizard tournament? I guess the end results would have been a pretty tame school year and given me ample time to prepare for Voldemort. Less stress... but maybe also less fun.

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