Year 5 - 11

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Friendly reminder that there's a difference between being asexual & aromantic.

Additional Trigger Warnings For Sensitive Readers! Please proceed with caution and care!

Showing more of that dark gray this chapter than light gray.

"A fox is a wolf who sends flowers."

-Ruth Brown


The return home was one made in triumph. Tom and I held hands as we stepped through the floo and I victoriously cried out, "Sil! Make the Chocolate Heaven please!"

"Yes, missus!"

Giddy and delighted, a bubbling giggle popped out of me before I placed my free hand over my mouth to stifle it. Tom squeezed my hand, his dark gaze soft as he asked, "Will you be staying here tonight?"

"Oh might as well. I doubt I'll be able to sleep now," I said. "Too excited."

He smiled again at that. "Good."

"How's your body, by the way?"

"It's fine. It—ah—it hasn't been entirely functional but it's a work in progress."

I frowned at that. "What do you mean? What's wrong?"

"The magic is directly devouring everything I eat, so my digestive system is skewed," he explained. "Nothing goes past the stomach, and I'm always hungry."

"Ooooh. Hm. Interesting, very interesting. Hungry now?"


"Then let's eat while we talk," I said, tugging him further in. "Sil, please prepare a feast for Tom."

From the kitchen I heard her call out, "Yes, missus!"

"Thank you darling," I returned. "Oh yeah! The stone. I'll be right back."

Hurriedly, I ran into my storage room, digging through my chests until I found the blue stone I had purchased from Knocturn Alley the summer of my second year. Clutching it tightly, I headed back to the dining room/den area where Tom had taken a seat at the table.

"That's what' I love about magic," I said with a chuckle as I tossed the stone up and down. "This could have been made by someone else's attempt, or it could have been made naturally. Out of all the witches and wizards to find it, it was found by me not once but twice. A coincidence, or fate? Who can tell with magic?"

I caught the stone, grinning wickedly at Tom. Sil had prepared the drinks already and Tom took his first sip. "You know what this means though, right?"

Tom raised an eyebrow, silent in response.

"It means I know how to make magic."

Tom choked on his drink.

"Come now dear, I'd rather you choked on other things," I teased.

He made a rude gesture.


Routine made time march on pleasantly. The Slytherins and I had a delight pulling off elaborate tricks, occasionally aided by the lions. During my free time I would sneak out to visit Tom. Friday nights had become standard all-nighters with him, the two of us enjoying a variety of board games, becoming immersed in research, or... other things.

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