Year 6 - 6

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Hagrid and Dumbledore graciously accepted the "anonymous" donation of a pretty dragon with scars. Hagrid was in tears looking at the poor thing, and profusely promised me he would take perfect care of the darling.

Dumbledore assured me that the habitat set up for the dragon would be completely safe for the other students. Dumbledore himself erected a barrier that would prevent the dragon from escaping it and harming anyone. The dragon would have the entire area to itself. It was large enough it would have plenty of room to soar and stretch its wings, and all the amenities it could possibly ask for.

The habitat had been designed to house several dragons, but for now it would only keep one.

Returning to Hogwarts, I did let it slip to Millie that Hogwarts had a dragon. Millie had repeatedly mentioned her dream was to work with dragons, and the strong girl was beyond ecstatic. So giddy with joy, in fact, she rushed straight over to Hagrid—who always came to pick the students up from the train—and begged him to let her help care for it.

It was pretty darn cute.

I got caught up with my snakes over winter break—Theodore and Draco stayed at Hogwarts that year—and listened to their happy holiday tales. Daphne assisted her father in Wizengamot paperwork, and answered letters on behalf of the Greengrass family. Vincent actually spent some time at the twins' shop talking to them about some jokes he thought up. Blaise toured Italy with his mother. Gregory actually got to meet the Yorkshire Quidditch team and talk with their Keeper, Ugga, who invited Gregory to try out for Beater once he graduated. Tracey met up with Lisa over break and the two had several dates in Diagon Alley. Pansy took a trip to Germany with her family and had a bit of a winter fling with one of the locals.

It was wonderful to listen to how happy my snakes were. Seeing them smiling, relaxed, and hopeful for their futures—

It warmed my heart.

Canonically, they were probably scared and stressed out. Certainly Draco, what with his father sentenced to Azkaban and he had been given the task to murder Dumbledore.

Voldemort wasn't in any position to threaten the Malfoy's, though. Or really any of my snakes.

He would not be able to touch them while they were in Hogwarts, and Tom and I planned to take care of him before graduation.

Although I couldn't help but wonder what he was planning now.

If I were him, I'd launch an attack on the Ministry. The Aurors were stretched out between all the other public places—Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, Devon's Moore, Fogwood, and so on—that a small, powerful, strike team could potentially take over the Ministry. Voldemort was insane, but he was still a powerful wizard.

He hadn't been trying to kill Tom, after all, and he still blew up his foot. Had he been trying to kill Tom instead of capture...

Deranged, but still dangerous. He was not an opponent to underestimate, and because of his unstable mindset predicting his next movement was impossible.

The only thing I could say for absolute certainty was that he would not attack Hogwarts, nor Lunar's Orchid. Hogwarts because he was afraid of Dumbledore, and Lunar's Orchid because he was (likely) afraid of Tom and a giant worgen army.

What oh what will you do, Voldemort?


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