Year 5 - 5

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Beta: Cloudy

Someone on ff/wattpad/or ao3 guessed the right way Umbridge will be taken care of so here's the weekend post. Also, y'all some creative people. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ And bloodthirsty. ( ・_・) Especially my Watty readers. 

Bets on how Umbridge is removed Slytherin Edition:

1. Drowns in her own blood (Daphne)

2. Rosie sets her on fire and she dies slowly (Pansy)

3. Rosie ruins her politically and gets her fired (Tracey)

4. Eaten by a dragon or snake (Millie)

5. Rosie feeds her to her pet dementor (Draco)

6. Rosie invents a new curse just for her (Blaise)

7. Rosie kills her then sells her parts on the black market (Theodore)

8. "Trips" down the stairs and breaks her neck (Vincent)

9. Poisoned by Rosie (Gregory)

Who will win?


Since Daphne and I were the Damsels In Distress™ it was decided we wanted a thoughtful opening act. Nothing too grand so that way we could escalate things as the semester went on. It had to be tasteful, subtle, yet strong enough to get picked up by the rumor mill.

Pansy crammed into the train compartment, taking a seat on Tracey's lap. She listened to what we wanted, then vocalized her own thoughts.

"We should make a show of it at dinner," suggested Pansy.

"Aww man. Kinda wish I took one of you guys to the Yule Ball now, we could have staged a fake break up," I thought, clicking my tongue.

"We can still do that," pointed out Draco. "Simply say you had a secret relationship after the Yule Ball."

"Ooooo. Scandalous," giggled Tracey. "I'll break up with you Rosie."

"Jeeze, thanks Tracey," I said with a big smile.

Draco coughed. "No one would believe you two were together in the first place."

Tracey glared at him. "And why not?"

Draco gave her a flat look, "Because anyone with two eyes can see who you actually like."

"Wait—what?" I looked over at Tracey who turned pink in the cheeks. "What? Who?"

"Lisa Turpin," dismissively answered Pansy from Tracey's lap, she treated it as old news.

"Ravenclaw girl?" I asked, vaguely remembering a brunette who had partnered with Tracey a few times when Slytherin had double classes with Ravenclaw. I hadn't noticed any special interactions. Granted, I hadn't paid the partnership any focused attention. As long as my babeh snakes were being polite to their partners, I focused on my own studies.

Tracey swatted at Pansy. "I'll shove you off."

"I'll just sit in Theodore's lap then," she snarked. "You'll break her heart if you dump Rosie."

"Don't break the poor Ravenclaw's heart," I chided Tracey.

"But I wanna be part of the drama," whined Tracey.

I reached around Daphne (who was still in my lap) and patted Tracey's hand. "You will be."


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