Year 5 - 16

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One more chapter for year 5! 


I was confident I had scored exceptionally well in my O.W.L.s that year. When the last of the exams had concluded, I joined my babeh snakes in celebrating all Friday night, then crashed hard Saturday morning.

I woke up around noon that weekend and looked over the letters I had received from Lunar's Orchid regarding everyone's transition into worgen-hood.

As my village was still under lockdown no one outside the village (except, I suspected Dumbledore) knew I had perfected the werewolf curse. I was not withholding the secret due to malice, rather I knew revealing it to the public would greatly upset the political climate. Even though I had already taken a lot of measures to put forward laws favoring my fluffy buddies, the general populace retained significant fear towards them.

Finding out that the village meant to house them had perfected their transformation and they could turn into puppies at any time would elicit one of two reactions.

Option one: they would rejoice over werewolves no longer being mindless.

Option two: they would be scared shitless.

Ideally, I would want option one. In order to manipulate the public favor into option one, I needed to finish reshaping the public's opinion on werewolves.

It had improved over the past decade since the village's construction. Predictably, there were extremely few werewolf attacks since the village's founding, and none of them were reported to the public (per my bribery). This prolonged period of peace mellowed out a lot of the severe antagonism towards werewolves.

Coupling this with pro-werewolf laws, I had the foundation laid out for a pro-werewolf Ministry.

But, the political climate was in utter turmoil over Umbridge's departure. Throwing in the worgen cure would be like adding dynamite to a potion.

It would either do nothing, or blow everything up in my face.

I was at a critical time. It would be far too risky to play such a card.

Once I had control over the Ministry, I would refocus my media efforts into pro-werewolf propaganda. Then when the climate was right, I would open the village up again and reveal my worgens.

This was talking purely for the village—Remus would obviously get special treatment.

I couldn't take him to the village during school—Remus was very strict about us staying in school—but over the summer I could tell him I had a friend in the village and beg him to escort me over there to visit said "friend." I'd ask Fenrir to ask some of his friendlier fluff buddies to talk to Remus about the cure and offer it to him.

I knew my uncle could keep a secret. Especially one as important as that one.

After I reviewed the letters—everyone was doing well, hooray—I decided to visit Tom for some extra post-O.W.L. celebration.

I hopped out of the vanishing chest with great gusto, a wide smile on my face as I said, "All done!"

To my surprise Tom was seated at the dining room table, dressed in dark clothes that screamed to be worn during a heist. It made me raise an eyebrow.

"Good," said Tom. "Because we're going to steal the prophecies."

Taken aback, I gasped. "Wha—right now?"

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