Year 6 - 7 (Tom's Interlude)

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(Tom's Interlude)

Tom Marvolo Riddle was a clever wizard.

Genius, really.

Most things came easily to him. He rarely needed to be told something twice to remember it, and he was able to make leaps in logic that others would never see.

When it came to hard facts and defined variables, Tom was comfortable and in his element. Even people fell into that category. Tom was an astute observer from a young age and had a natural intuition at reading people.

He had not known it was due to his inherent use of Legilimency, but it did not change the fact. Tom was able to glean truths from anyone and everyone he came into contact with, no matter how much they tried to hide it.

It had saved him many times in the past. He knew how to avoid the child-sellars from a glance in their eyes, and he knew all the dirty little secrets people would do anything to keep hidden. Maneuvering conversations was pleasant as a breeze in the park once Tom had the upper hand.

His time at the orphanage was not pleasant—not by a long shot—but he survived it thanks to his wit and magical advantage.

Hogwarts was much the same. There were a few people who had a natural talent for Occlumency that Tom avoided like the plague, but for the most part everyone was easily played.

"I wish he would look at me."

"I'm struggling in Potions—I'd do anything to pass!"

"I'm so lonely..."

"Why doesn't she notice me?"

"I hope no one finds out what I did."

Everyone had a thought that Tom could use to control them.

Life was a game of chess to Tom, and he had double the pieces.

Tom casually took a sip from his to-go coffee cup, relishing the dark roast as the bitterness seeped into his mouth. He was casually leaning against a brick building in the shadows, watching Muggles scurry by and pass him over. He had cast a very minor disillusionment spell, so none would bother to look his way.

He knew he was handsome enough to stand out. Helpful in certain situations, but certainly not for watching someone.

He could, he supposed, have one of Rosie's people do this instead. As much as she would love to sing praises about her people, there were plenty of sordid folk who had an unsavory reputation and doure personalities to match it. Tom ultimately chose against that approach because he enjoyed the hunt. It was a simple way to pass time and gave him an excuse to leave the house.

Tom was the sort of man who could stay inside for months on end without hesitation or issue. It was not helpful, though, because becoming a recluse was dangerous for someone like him.

Too much time stuck in Tom's own thoughts made for... unsavory results.

Rosie broke up those Dark thoughts, but Tom had to do his own part in preventing them. His first week in his new body he almost finished thinking up of a ritual to use on a school that would sacrifice the lives of all the students inside. It was needlessly cruel, and something completely unnecessary. He didn't want to perform something so ghastly, yet he couldn't stop his thoughts from absently drawing up the designs and completing the equations.

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