Pre-School 2

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Severus Snape was the first to come to us.

It was... awkward to watch him break down over Lily's corpse. Out of respect, I covered Harry's eyes, and politely looked away. My dear little brother was exhausted from crying hysterically for the past couple of hours after the whole... Thing That Happened.

Snape wasn't there for long. He knew others would be coming soon, and he collected himself after having his solid cry fest before leaving. Barely three minutes later Sirius bounded into the home, panicked, then he hoarsely cried out for Lily and James.

I heard him find James.

The choked back sob was ragged, and he stumbled up the steps finding Lily next.

It was not a loud breakdown like Snape.

Sirius fell to his knees, tears spilling over his eyes. Color washed out of him, dark waves of grief pulling him down and forcing the young man to crumple under its weight. It was not an explosion of pain, but a silent cascade of misery that drowned him.

It was—it was impossible not to cry beside him, causing Harry to wake up and start crying all over again. Snape was overwhelming, and I was still fresh from the shock of it all that I could numbly ignore it, but seeing a man I had come to care for as family fall apart was—

As soon as he noticed us he jerked forward, limbs springing to life as he incredulously stared at us in shock.

"You're alive?" he whispered, voice cracking as he picked both of us. "Merlin's balls you're both alive?"

Harry couldn't stop whimpering or crying, and I clung onto Sirius.

He held us tightly as minutes dragged on and on. Shock must have prevented him from doing much else. Harry lost his energy after enough time and slipped into an exhausted slumber, while I forced myself to stay awake.

I had to.

I could not allow my guard to drop, what happened next that night had to be changed from the canonical story.

A solid hour must have passed before Sirius started to slowly, slowly, begin to carry us out of the house. His motorcycle was parked outside, and rushing up to us was an out of breath Hagrid.

"S—Sirius!" Hagrid bellowed. "Oh—Oh Bloo'y 'ell, is tha—?"

"Dead," Sirius whispered. "James and Lily they're both—but—"

"Sirius we gotta get 'Arry and Rosie to Dumbledore," Hagrid said hurriedly.

"Take them. I have to go. I have to find—"

"NO!" I screamed, flailing my magic around as I clung onto Sirius with all my might. "DON'T LEAVE US! NO, PADDY, NO!"

Sirius let out a shout of surprise as my magic lashed out, waking Harry up who started to profusely cry again. My outburst startled him dearly enough that he was a fish out of water gaping at me in disbelief. "R-Rosie?"

"NO!" I shouted as loudly as I could, wrapping my tiny fingers around the collar of his shirt. "NO LEAVE!"

"I—I think yeh shoul' come," Hagrid said, carefully taking Harry out of Sirius's other arm so Sirius could try to console me.

"Rosie I have to go," Sirius insisted, trying to unstick me from him. My magic must have been in a good mood that day because it clung onto him, making it nearly impossible for him to remove me without pulling out his wand. "Rosie!"

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