IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 3

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Author's Note most of you readers will not read: Hey-o! If you haven't heard, my OpenOffice hates my guts and will not open for me, so I have been forced to use WordPad. Anyway, I also had family over, so it was a no-e-lec-tro-nics weekend for this gal; plus pen and paper always get screwed up and well ... whatever I write ends up not being used. I am a typing writer. Gosh, sorry this is long ... anyway, you guys know the drill: correct strange story errors (i.e.: "OMG, look! Harry got contacts! He's sooooo HAWT now!)

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 3: Initiating Operation MALFOY

-----| Violet’s POV |------

            After Malfoy left the Library, with an annoying sneer, I stomped towards where I last saw Hermione. She was peeking secretly, or so she thought, out from behind a thick bookshelf, her frizzy hair swaying outward. I was tempted to run at her and tickle her to death, but soon gave her a mock glare. I flick my pointer finger at her, beckoning her over to me. Hermione gave a squeak and then disappeared from sight, hustling her butt to safety. I heard the faint scuffle of her shoes against the floor in the direction of one of the many exits.

           “Hermione! Come out, come out, where ever you are!” I teased, walking quickly down the aisle. I passed by ancient spell books, history of every flying creature, and Hermione's personal favorite, seven copies of Hogwarts: A History.

            “It was to introduce you two! In order for Ginny’s plan to even have a glimmer of succeeding, you and Dr—Malfoy needed to meet properly. Whether the meeting be on purpose or not! It was needed—” I lunged at her.

            Hermione had hid in a row three shelves away (not much of a hiding place if you ask me, but hey, it was her choice). Her voice had filtered through the room over to me as I walked down the rows, quietly looking for her.

            “Traitor,” I stage whispered in a loud voice. We had tumbled to the floor with thud and the Hufflepuff girl, who was also in that row, just continued about her business, flicking through books left and right.

            Giving a giggle, Hermione said, “You know you love me.”

            Grumbling while collecting the fallen books, I muttered back, “That's debatable.”

            Smacking me upside the head, Hermione caused me to loose around ten brain cells, making me ten brain cells dumber than I was before. Sighing, I think that perhaps I didn't need them anyhow. Maybe they were for, I don't know, how to do the dishes or rake leaves. I'd be okay with that. I don't need to remember raking leaves.

            Another smack upside the head cost me ten more brain cells (more leave raking I hope), causing me to look up at Hermione. Instantly I whined, “Oww ...” while rubbing where she smacked.

            “Suck it up, we need to gather up some information and plan our operation.” I gave her a confused look and she gave me a disgusted one in return. “We really need to talk to Ginny,” she rephrased in a voice used only for toddlers.

            Oh, right.

-----------------| (<>< (fishie) |---------------

            “Operation Making Archrival Love For Our enjoYment—or Operation MALFOY—will commence on Monday with Step One already complete thanks to 'Mione’s smart thinking,” Ginny said in a mystical voice, waving her arms much like a spokesperson would. She had had this all planned out by the time dinner had started.

            We were in Gin's dorm right now, sitting on her bed. There were several parchments lying around the room and on the bed. Ones that had code names for Draco, Malfoy, and Slytherin; along with scenarios and a set of pro-and-cons for each. The best one she could come up with that made sense was MALFOY, and it still didn't work because of the cursed Y at the end. I came up with just doing 'enjoYment' because there was no word that meant enjoyment that started with a Y. (Plus we were too lazy to fix operations DRACO and SLYTHERIN to work correctly.)

            Operation MALFOY was a five step plan laid out like so:

            Step One: Meet

            Step Two: Become Mutual Friends

            Step Three: Become MORE Than Mutual Friends

            Step Four: Make Him Fall

            Step Five: Drop Him On His Ass

            "Alright, who bolded 'Ass'?" I stared at Ginny as I said it. She blushed furiously and shielded her face with her pin straight hair. She mumbled something along the lines of “shut up” and I laughed.

           I grabbed the parchment from the place it was sitting and wrote a ‘complete’ next to Step One because it was done already.

            “So ... how do I become friends with him?” I questioned to no one in particular. It had been bothering me since the beginning. Malfoy never had liked me much. I never really liked him much either though. So how exactly where we supposed to become buddy-buddy all of a sudden?

          “Perhaps you could give hints that you ‘like’ him or something, or become his partner in Potions. Either of those could work,” Ginny suggested with a sigh of defeat, knowing her ideas were lame. We hadn't exactly planned that far ahead. It had started off as more of a ‘hey, I'm gonna dare you, so you better do it’ kind of thing. But now we actually had to do some thinking for this. Malfoy was proving to be a challenge for our little brains.

            Suddenly a sly grin spread across Hermione's mouth. Ginny and I both knew that look. It was the look that gave Hermione every good compliment and every worthy passing grade. It was look that purposely said, “I have a plan.”


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Love and fireworks,


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