Two Year Anniversary

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Hello! I'm terribly sorry for:

          A.) Getting your hopes up about updating on a long finished story.

          B.) Feeling like I need to be sappy for a few paragraphs.

          And C.) Wasting your oh-so-precious time.

          Today's a pretty busy century and none of us seem to appreciate the little things, but this is my little shot in the dark about something I'm really proud of. Two years ago, I posted the first chapter of I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story). You read right, two years ago. Where has the time gone? That may seem so insignificant to a lot of you, but think of it from my perceptive. When I first started, it was a joke story. Something to break me out of my writer's block (which, ironically, it didn't); that's all it was to me. It was there to spill all my dumb 14 year old drabbles at and make it seemingly work together. (Not saying 14 year olds are dumb. Saying that I was a dumb 14 year old back in the day. Like … two years ago.)

          I shoved it on my friends. No joke. They got annoyed with me talking about it, and still do today when I bitch about someone stealing it (again). Sure they take in stride and even help me destroy that person, because hello, no one steals my story and gets away with it. But still. Whatever, because I finished it and they don't have to take my ideas and stab me in the eyes with them anymore.

          As the story progressed, I learned to really love my characters, even the ones that weren't technically mine. They were like, my surrogate children. Violet was a daughter to me. Her pain was my pain and her deep love for Draco kind of reflected mine. And though I still, after another two years haven't read Harry Potter (Besides the 2nd one. Seriously, I read it.), I feel like this story gave me a deeper understanding into the realm. I researched like a madwoman sometimes! Even through all the silly comments about wanting to kill Ron and how (goddammit!) Luna's in Ravenclaw, I researched the shit out of Harry Potter.

           And now, when I occasionally read back at my author's notes, I cringe. Because I was a silly little brat back then. But at least I thought of a good story that continues to get new readers every day. I respect my stupid 14 year old self and am so proud of what I've done. And I hope that some of you readers are proud of what you've done, because it shows what you are capable of accomplishing.

           I've grown up since then, which I hope you can tell, at least slightly. I'm not as, er, spazzy? Anyhow, I want to thank the veteran readers and the newbs, because I love you both equally. You are what keeps this story alive and without you this story wouldn't have been possible.

           Sorry again for feeling the need to do this, it just felt right.

Love and Fireworks, unique-goddess

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