IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 28 -Part 1-

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This Author’s life has been threatened: Guess what? I’ve been threatened to upload! Seriously torches and pitchforks, flaming torches and three-prong pitchforks people! Do you know how incredibly happy that makes me? So freakin’ happy! I’ve been thinking of the very frequently used quote, “Take a picture, it lasts longer” and figured I would try and incorporate it in this story? Because let’s face it, that line is so annoying that it just has to be used in every romance story! But I kind of have something different in mind and oh dear Lord Above if anyone freakin’ steals it, murder them please okay? Because I thought about this moment for around three days now and want it to be forever remembered as my thought, okay? Okay!

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 28: The Muggle Next Door

-Part 1-: Click!

            I glared at him over the dinner table. It was now breakfast time. I had slept tossing and turning, a retched way to sleep if you ask me. To make it worse, it was the bloody blonde boy’s fault! I bet he noticed the bags under my eyes too! So how could he act so calm while I was so easily giving him the evil eye? To tell you the truth, I’m really good at it. Devon would be able to tell you that in a fearful voice. He’s had it done to him loads of times. So how could Draco so easily eat those burnt ‘pancakes’ and sip that ‘pulp-free’ orange juice? How was that even possible? Jabbing my fork with a crunch into the supposed pancake, I saw it angrily with my knife. Yes, this simple breakfast meal needed a knife or else you would be gnawing on it for hours before you even got a bite off. As I was reaching for the pitcher of ‘pulp-free’ orange juice, the doorbell rings loudly. I say it’s ‘pulp-free’ because well, let’s just say it’s only pulp-free from orange pulp, okay?

            “Who in the world would be coming this early? Violet dear, can you go get that really quick?” my mother’s twittering morning voice whispered. Mom wasn’t much of a morning person, but she was good at pretending she was. Her perky attitude and bright colored clothes just about spewed the words ‘good mood’ even if it was a lie. Frequently she would knock on my door at three in the morning and ask for help with the laundry or the dishes. Since we line dried our laundry, I always ended up standing outside in say the rain or a blizzard in an attempt to save the laundry. And since we had no dishwasher, I was always end up scolding my hands and arms in hot water. Things like that made me wonder why Devon was even born. I mean, he could very easily help with the chores at three in the morning.

            “Sure, Mom,” I muttered groggily as I stood up and passed through the living room. Dad had left for work early in the morning and would be back late. His Break didn’t start until tomorrow evening. Even so, the TV was stationed in to a sports program, blaring how the brown team was beating the baby blue one. Don’t ask, I don’t do sports very well.

            Grabbing the silver doorknob, I yank open the door to see … Gavin?

            “Hey, gorgeous, what’s shakin’?” came the obnoxious flattery from an obnoxious little boy. Gavin McDale. The muggle neighbor boy. You know the one. The always-there-when-you-don’t-want-him boy? This was that boy. And right now was probably the worst moment for him to be here. See Gavin had a huge crush on me, an awkward crush actually. Want to know why it was awkward? Well, Gavin was twelve (and three-quarters) and guess what? I don’t date twelve year olds (Shocker there!). I mean, sure he has his moments of being the most adorable little boy in the entire world but other times … not so much. Zoning back into the real world, I notice that Gavin was looking me up and down, checking me out, I suppose. Can twelve year olds even check someone out?

            I chirpily quote, “Take a picture, it last longer!”

            At first his mud brown eyes just stare at me. A corky little grin spreads across his mouth, making that dimple in his cheek show. I had to admit, for a kid he was cute. But then he ruined it when his skinny hands created an imaginary camera in the air. In utter horror, I watched as he pretends to press the button, a little “Click!” coming from his mouth.

            “That’s a keeper!”



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Love and fireworks,


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