Chapter 4: Back at Hogwarts

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The day had come and it was time to return home after all these years.

He pocketed his ticket, careful not to lose it. He almost had done once, in fourth year. He almost didn't make it if it hadn't been for Granger.

With that thought, Harry saw the younger-looking red-heads at the barrier, blabbing about 9 3/4 in a muggle area; no doubt trying to alert Harry. Molly seemed to be looking for Harry in the crowd of Muggles and Harry couldn't help but scoff. How on Earth did he fall for this?

Ronald had probably been given instructions to 'befriend' Harry Potter so it wasn't all his fault. Either way, he had still lied to him. Harry's small stature made it easier for him to hide from them and eventually, they went through. Other students were turning up and they probably didn't want to hold them up.

A good few minutes later, Harry decided that it was safe and went towards the barrier, trying to remain unseen by any lurking red-heads. Not that brash Gryffindors could 'lurk'.

He managed to get his trunk on board, which was difficult without magic or strength, and, finding an empty compartment, he put his luggage above him and sat down putting a few wandless Notice-Me-Not charms up. Too much magic would alert others and he didn't want that.

Before he finished that thought, a certain red-headed doorknob arrived at the door of his compartment, rather rudely.

"Excuse me, Do you mind?" he asked with a look of innocence, "Everywhere else is full."

Anyone with a capable mind knew that he was lying. Apparently, Harry's 11-year-old self didn't have a capable mind. The train was fully capable of housing every student and that brought him to the question. Why didn't they just use Undetectable Expansion Charms. It would make much more sense, bigger and not to mention safer.

"No," he said plainly as he looked straight into the redhead's eyes, hatred not even being tried to be hidden. He couldn't be bothered. The guy had lied to him for years on end.

"Excuse me?" he replied slightly taken aback. His mother said that it would be easy to befriend him. He was being awful, even if he was trying to trick him.

"You're lying," his gaze met Ron's and his eyes were cold, his face emotionless.

"Please?" he pleaded. His mother and Dumbledore made him promise to be friends with him.

"No," he repeated, shutting the door with an impressive display of wandless magic. Ron gaped in surprise and quite frankly hurt.

"Whatever," he sighed going off to find another compartment.

Not long after, a familiar voice piped up from the door.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy name Neville's lost one."

"No, I haven't," he said pulling out a book and started reading it, not bothering to look at her.

Making herself comfortable, she sat in front of Harry and stretched out her hand.

"I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger,"

"Get out, if you please" Harry said calmly not bothering to look up from his book.

"Excuse me," Hermione inquired, "What did you say?"

"I think you heard me perfectly well Granger."

"Fine," with that, she left.

Harry smirked.


"Firs' years firs' years" Hagrid bellowed carrying his signature lantern.

"'ree per boat,"

Harry was quite looking forward to seeing the place once called home. He looked out to the magnificent castle and almost shed a tear. Of course, he didn't. He needed to keep his Occlumency walls up; didn't want Dumbledore to see weakness.

Before he knew it, he was once again at the doors of the Great Hall listening to the ghosts bickering and fighting. It was time for Draco to talk to him at any moment. As if on cue, he began to stand.

"It's true then, the rumours on the train...Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," a blonde big-headed boy approached him.

"Malfoy," he stated plainly looking directly into the blond's eyes.

Potter stretched out his hand and Draco took it slightly hesitantly.

Professor McGonagall came and introduced herself explaining the houses. It was nothing to him, of course. He was Heir to two of them had much more knowledge than these eleven-year-olds.

The Sorting began and Harry tuned it out using Occlumency. There was nothing to listen to, Gryffindors became Lions; Hufflepuffs became Badgers; Ravenclaws became Eagles (for some unknown reason); and Slytherins became Snakes.

"Potter, Harry."

Whispers filled the Great Hall and their professors sat up straighter. The Boy-Who-Lived was about to be sorted, after all.

He made his way up to the stool with a confident stride, contrary to his hesitant past and contrary to the shameless strut of a Pureblood heir.

Bother Dumbledore and Snape tried to infiltrate his mind but they minuscule effect on his Occlumency walls.

He could sense the shock and confusion of the two and it was exhilarating. He took a breath and sat down on the creaky stool. You would think that a school with the Magic would have a better chair.

'Nice to see you again, Alistair," he greeted his old friend. The Hat had given him a lot of wisdom during the war and he would never forget it.

'You, Harry, have been blessed with the opportunity to change things. Use it well, will you?'

Harry chuckled out loud, 'Of course... but since when we're you so philosophical.'

They chatted for a full half hour, completely ignoring the audience. Both Harry and the Sorting Hat had agreed that it didn't really matter at the moment. It was amusing to see their worry or nothing. Harry kept a completely straight face on the outside during the entire Sorting but internally, he was cracking up at jokes and anecdotes. Dumbledore was a funny character, all right. It turned out neither of them liked the Headmaster at all.

Once their conversation was over, however, he needed to get sorted. It seemed the Hat forgot about that part.

The choice was obvious and it would mess with Dumbledore the most.

"Better be..."

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