Chapter 23: Revelations

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They had been in the Great Hall for breakfast when the parliament of owls came flooding through the windows.

Even after seeing them flooding in for years on end, they never once failed to entertain him. This time, however, there was only one letter that caught his attention.

A light green envelope with the classic Slytherin silver stamp stood out among the bland letters and pieces of parchment.

Harry, learning from his past mistakes, picked up his plates and the plates next to his with magic and left them in the air as the eagle swooped down and dropped it on the table in front of him.

The students around him watched carefully as he opened the letter. The people knew who delivered those kind of letter, but they didn't dare to ask.

Harry peeled the wax stamp off and dropped the plates back into their places with a clatter.

He pulled the letter out and his eyes scanned over the words. He then turned to the person next to him.

Lord Voldemort was a right git.

Apparently, his Death Eaters wanted to meet the 'people' that freed them from Azkaban. And apparently, he was that man. Ashe and Harry were those men.

Harry placed a charm so that all Ashe's letters would go to Harry. Even though they were the same person and the letter would go to him anyway, he wanted the charm to be there so that in the case that anyone tried to track him down they would find the charm in place.

Thank goodness for magic, y'know?

Snapping out of his disbelief, he noticed the entire school staring at him.

"Get back to your meals and leave me alone for Merlin's sake!" he yelled. It seemed that even the staff obeyed him without thinking.

He got up and left, huffing like there was no tomorrow.

"Potter!" a voice called from behind him. He turned around to find a greasy-haired git walking towards him.

"Sup, Half-Blood Prince," he said when he got near enough.

Snape's brows furrowed, "How do you know that name?" Half-Blood Prince was just a nickname that he had given himself in his 5th year to make him feel important.

He had made sure that no one had known about that.

"I know everything...Sevvy-" Before he could finish that sentence, he found himself under a Silencing Charm.

He quickly undid the charm and shot a glare at the smug Professor.

"I'll get you back for that one," he said straightening out his robes, "What do you want, anyway?"

"The Dark Lord asked me to tell you that it would be at 6 tomorrow,"

"Ok," he replied before gesturing for the Potion's Master to come nearer.

Reluctantly, he did so and Harry whispered something in his ear, "Malfoy and Zabini are listening, let's give them a scare,"

Snape nodded and then Harry held out his arm for Snape to hold onto.

Reluctantly, he grabbed onto his arm and within a few seconds, they were behind the eavesdropping Slytherins. Harry had been working on a method of instant transportation called shadow-stepping. It was like apparition but it would take an incredibly strong magical core to perform and only a handful of people knew of its existence.

Snape raised a questioning eyebrow at Harry and he shrugged.

They looked at the boys as they peered around at the corner that they were at before. They snuck up behind them.

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