Chapter 40: Wasting Time

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Thank you to @nyxques for the plot idea!


Dumbledore entered the room and was faced with Mafalda and three other Wizengamot and as he suspected, Harry sat there in the middle, face free from emotion.

Each of them were glaring at him relentlessly.

"Good evening Mafalda," he smiled, politely, hoping to ease the tension.

"It is Lady Hopkirk to you, Murderer," she sneered back, disgust lacing her voice.

Dumbledore was taken aback for a moment. Mafalda had always been courteous to anyone, even the worst type of person. He had never seen her like this before.

He nodded.

"What do you want, Thief?" she asked, her usual politeness dissipated.

"I can prove that the Chief Warlock threatened me," he replied, smirking.


Number-seven walked up to the Duelling platform almost perfectly in sync with number-eight.

"Wands at the ready!"

The crowd was confused when the contestants sat on the edge of their seats as if in anticipation of something big and when number-seven just brought his index finger to his face.


Immediately, at least 5 spells were cast at number-seven in rapid succession each of them somehow making he color of the spell wash over the number-seven who had his back turned. He seemed unfazed by the amount of spells that were flung at him. It was almost as if he absorbed it.

A few more were cast before the number-seven even moved. When he did, he turned to look at number-eight.

His hand flew up in the air and the contestants and audience watched silently in anticipation. To their disappointment, the number-eight's wand simply flew into number-seven's hand before he bowed and dropped the wand.

He walked back over to the bench and gracefully sat with impeccable posture.

The audience and Swiss Chief Warlock were still in complete silence as he sat and number-eight picked up his wand and left to the tent.

"Continue," came an robotic voice from number-seven's mask. That snapped them out of their shock and the crowd started to slowly clap before turning into a full-blown cheer.

The rest of the duels had flown by with ease, each lasting about 5 minutes and before they knew it, the Task was over.

"We shall reconvene the day after tomorrow for the contestants competing in the Second Task."


Several curious glances appeared and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Go on," he said impatiently.

"I would like to call upon my first witness, a man that goes by the name of Ashe Marvolo."

Harry was panicking. How was Ashe supposed to come here? Last time he checked, he was Ashe.


That night, Harry was swamped with work. Ever since the ICW came to Geneva, people seemed to want to bicker even more and with bickering comes paperwork and with paperwork comes a tired Harry.

Like, who on Earth leaves this much paperwork for a 12-year-old?

"You alright, Harry?" the Chief Warlock of UAE , Edan Hornbeam asked, leaning on the threshold of Harry's room within the tent.

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