Chapter 36: Wrath of Pomfrey

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Harry was back in his seat in the witness' section with the rest of the Leaders as each of them gave a recount of the event. They were in for a long trial, full of praise. It was annoying.

Harry had quite the portfolio and at age 13, he possibly had a better resumé than Merlin himself.

"The Wizengamot of Magical Britain hereby declares Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore the Thief guilty of all charges. The trial has been concluded. We shall reconvene tomorrow for the Sentencing," Fudge banged his gavel. Harry was surprised that Fudge wasn't scared of sentencing Dumbledore. The blob of mass always seemed to be under Dumbledore's thumb, figuratively.

He guessed that with Harry on his side, Dumbledore couldn't affect him.

Harry nodded and stood up, putting the book that he was reading away. Sani, Harry, Alysha, Amira and Theodore had plans to stay at Hogwarts as they had no place to stay for the night. Technically his property.

They all apparated to Hogsmeade and Harry shadow-stepped, not that they knew that. They walked up to the gate where the staff met them with wide smiles. Snape was there too.

"Good evening, everyone," Harry smiled as he led the group of people, surrounded by at least 20 guards. Their security detail was increased ever since the incident. Minerva was the first to speak.

"Welcome to our school, My name in Minerva McGonagall and I am the Headmistress here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she greeted, "This is Deputy Headmaster Filius Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw, Pomona Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff, Bathsheda Babbling, Head of Gryffindor and our resident Potions Master, Severus Snape, Head of Slytherin." she finished.

Sani stepped forward, "My name is Sani Ado and I am the Nigerian Minster for Magic."

"My name is Amira Martínez, Chief Warlock of Colombia,"

"Alysha L/N, Chief Warlock of Singapore,"

"Theodore Brown, Chief Warlock of Australia,"

They each greeted as they shook hands with everyone, including a reluctant Severus Snape.

"You seem grumpier than normal, Sevv-"

Snape took a step towards the boy and within a second, the wands of the security detail were pointed at the Potions Master.

"Don't worry guys," he told the guards. They didn't back off.

"Hey! wands down," he ordered. They complied reluctantly and Snape gave Harry the best glare he could muster.

They made their way into the castle, making small talk (mostly about Harry) on the way.

Harry guided each of them to a room each (in the visitors wing) and then went to his office, adjacent to the wing to catch up on some work. About an hour later, Harry heard a knock at his door and checked the wards. It was just them.

"Come in," he plastered a tired smile on his face as the 4, followed by Minerva entered his office. He quickly conjured 5 chairs in front of his desk non-verbally and wandlessly for them to sit.

They each took a seat opposite the large table with scattered piles of paper.

"What can I do for you?" he tiredly smiled.

"We just came back from a tour from the lovely Headmistress and wanted to see if you wanted to join us for dinner?" Amira asked with a smile.

"Of course," Harry gave a tired nod, "I will see you guys in the Great Hall at 7."

They nodded and left the room, leaving Harry in the office alone.

Harry stretched and lay his forehead on top of the pile of papers in front of him, in hopes od getting a little bit of rest before dinner.


"Harry?" he heard a voice, "Harry?"

He stirred and opened his eyes to the light he found all too familiar. The Hospital Wing. Great. He had faced the wrath of Voldemort and Dumbledore, some of the greatest Wizards of all times and somehow, he was more scared of the wrath of Madam Pomfrey.

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