Chapter 43: Thanks...

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"Let the duel begin!"

Harry and Antero took their places on the black duelling platform before them. It was decorated with the phases of the moon and outlined in a silver-ish detailing in the form of swirling snakes.

"Wands at the ready!"

They both took their wands to their faces and those in the ICW gasped. Luckily, neither the press nor the public was close enough to see. Antero knew that the boy would win. This was merely a formality. Perhaps he could be Mugwump after him.


Harry took a low bow and the Finnish man mirrored his movements. Harry pocketed his wand, much to the people watching's confusion. Those in the ICW knew the amount of power the boy held as well as his ability to do wandless magic but other onlookers were clueless though there were rumours after Dolores' duel everyone knew Rita Skeeter's significant exaggeration of events.

They both walked to their sides of the platform with long rather dramatic strides and turned to face each other.

"This duel is for the position of Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. Under no circumstances should one kill the other. Doing so shall end in a forfeit of power and a stripping of titles as well as dealing with the caster under the laws of Switzerland. If you acknowledge these rules say 'Aye'."

In unison, they both repeated the word and the Finnish man had a caring smile on his face. Harry knew the man had no intention of harming him. He knew that the man had already accepted his fate...

Harry looked over to the cheering crowd of all sorts of people. From important political figures to a Toffee punching the air to those who looked no older than 10 and those nearing death (Dumbledore). Harry smiled...

They both took their duelling positions; Anteros taking on a common but effective stance with both hands on his Applewood wand and Harry standing normally with his hands behind his back with his head down and muttering an incantation in a foreign language.


The Minister began casting unique-coloured spells non-verbally in rapid succession, all to be absorbed by the bubble of pure magic around the boy.

Harry stood perfectly still with his head still bowed and an emotionless mask. The man continued to rapidly fire curses (nothing too harmful) at the 13-year-old. Finally and when he felt his core weaken, he stopped and pocketed his wand. Harry looked up at the man and put a small smile on his face. He walked up to the man, ignoring the sounds of confusion from literally everyone, and hugged him.



He walked through the hallways of Hogwarts during dinner. He had to return to his castle for him to take his NEWTs. He strode into the large hall and was reminded that he was only a third-year. The year that he had found out about Sirius. The year that they had used the Time-Turner. Why they thought handing over a powerful time-travel device to a 13-year-old to take extra classes was beyond him. The logic of the Wizarding World was held together by a thread that unravelled in the face of a situation in any way different from normal.

As he entered the Great Hall, he was met with the whistling, cheering and clapping of everyone in the hall. Minerva and the rest of the staff stood and clapped, all with proud smiles on their faces. Snape was sitting on the end of the table and clapping lightly and when he noticed Harry looking at him he nodded in his direction.

Harry raised his hands to silence the cheers, a noise that he had gotten used to, and nodded.

They stayed silent when he walked over to the Gryffindor table.

No one questioned him when he walked to the two people he hated most in the school.

No one said anything when he sat between them.

No one said anything when he glared at Malfoy.

They stayed silent when he glared at Snape or when he smiled at Lupin.

No one said anything when he pushed the food around on his plate or called Ron out for talking with his mouth full or when he asked Hermione to stop reading.

They stayed silent as he walked out of the hall...

There is a two-part epilogue!😊


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