Chapter 38: Who are you?

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"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked the empty room. He was residing in a muggle moatie?Motail? Motel? Whatever. No Wizarding Hotel would take him and he didn't have enough money to buy a place. He thought that he was going to live at Hogwarts for the rest of his time but... y'know?

"I think you know perfectly well who I am..." the voice echoed around the walls of the dirty room, "But the real question is, who are you?"

As if materializing from nothing, a tall man dressed in black robes stepped out from the shadows of the tiny closet in the corner of the room.

"Wh-what do you want from me?" he asked, trying to maintain a straight face but failing terribly. He knew that without magic, he was completely helpless.

"Relax, my boy, I don't want much," he mocked.

That when he finally realized who he was.


The man took his robe hood off and looked Dumbledore straight in the eyes.

Albus's eyes widened. There was nothing in them. Empty, soulless. Harry.

With that, he disappeared and the room became warmer. Not warm, but warmer.


Harry snickered as he shadowed to his office. To see Dumbledore so meek and small. Pathetic.

He sat down in his chair to get some ICW work done. Now Indonesia has a problem with Malaysia and... it's a whole thing, y'know?

About 5 minutes in, he felt someone with intentions of entering his office.

"Severus, my office," his voice rang through the halls of the Hogwarts, unintentionally. Perks of being the owner? Not completely sure.

A few minutes later, Severus was behind the door and he could sense the confusion the man had.

"Come in, Sevvy," he said in his usual voice.

With a sneer, he entered the office and stood in front of Harry's desk.

"You called me?" the Potions Master said emotionlessly.

Harry looked up from his work, "I believe you needed me?" he raised an eyebrow and Severus' eyebrows furrowed.

"How on Earth did you know that?"

Harry shrugged, "Magic?" Severus gave him the least-most confused face he could muster. It was weird.

"Who are you...?"

"Moving on-," he gave a confused look, "why did you want to come to my office?"

Severus shook the confusion off his face and began to speak, "The Dark Lord wishes to... speak with you," he said, trailing off at the end of the sentence; was that worry in his eyes?

"Very well, when?" he said getting back to work.

"Later this evening, 6 o'clock," he said, leaving the room. Once the door shut, Harry looked at the place that Snape stood.

"Goodbye to you too," he chuckled.


"Chief Warlock, nice to see you," he chuckled as Harry came through the door with a tired look, "We haven't seen you in quite some time."

Harry nodded tiredly, "Busy, busy, busy," he dismissed the statement.

"Very well, you must be wondering why I called you here?"

Harry just nodded, resting his head on the table.

"Well...I called you here for a request," he smiled.

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