Chapter 39: Wand-Weighing

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He had a plan. A plan to bring Harry Potter down once and for all. He would pay for doing this to him and no one, no one would question Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore ever again.


Those eyes, they were... well nothing. They weren't anything. Empty, soulless. Even Voldemort had more emotion behind his eyes. Yes, it was usually fury but that was still an emotion.

There was only one other person that had those eyes and Dumbledore didn't like him much. Harry.

He knew that that... thing was Harry but he didn't know how to prove it. Somehow, the memory from the incident didn't form and that was what was puzzling. He had withdrawn hundreds of memories before but the most important one, he just...couldn't. It was like there was a fog blocking him from seeing it. He could see it in the back of his mind but could never view it properly, but it doesn't do well to dwell on the past.

Then he thought of it.


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the wand-weighing ceremony of the Supreme Mugwump challenge (comment better name ideas),"

"Joining us today is the well-known Wand-Maker, Loic Guillaume," a round of applause echoed through the room. The contestants, dressed in the same robes with their numbers in bright with on their chests and a black mask covering their faces, sat at a long expensive-looking table.

"Starting from Number 1 please hand your wands over for inspection," he instructed the entire table.

The first six passed without a problem and then it came to Harry's turn. He stood and walked up to the man in a dramatic fashion similar to thatcher of Voldemort.

Though their faces were covered by their masks, he could feel the eyes of the contestants watching his every move.

Once he reached the wandmaker, he bent down next to him and whispered something in his ear. The man widened his eyes and paled.

"Unfortunately, I can not do that, it is part of the rules to weigh the wand with at least 5 witnesses," he said timidly before gulping and looking at the number 7.

He nodded and pulled his wand out of the wand holster located by his ankle. The Swiss Chief Warlock gasped at it in disbelief and watched it be carefully handed to Loic. The man held out his hand as Harry delicately place it onto his palms.

He gulped, "Wand of the Beginning," he stammered out after moments of anticipation.

There were uniform gasps each of the same tone from the contestants. The masks had a built-in voice-changer charm. To prevent finding out who is who.

"Unknown wood, unknown core, varied length and varied flexibility," he traced his finger along the snake wrapped around the wand carefully as if gripping it too hard would make it shatter into pieces.

The Swiss Chief Warlock was gaping relentlessly, watching the wand and then looking at the Number 7. That raised the question. Who was behind the mask?

"Suitable?" came an automated response from the mask of number 7.

The Wandmaker yet again gulped and stammered out something incomprehensible before giving the wand back to the owner hesitantly.

He took the wand back and put it back into the wand holster before returning to his seat acting as if nothing happened.

The people stared at the man in seven. They knew that this person should not be taken lightly. The wand of the Beginning was said to be the first wand ever crafted and that whoever harnessed its power had the destiny to begin a new era for better or for worst was for the bearer to decide.

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