Chapter 17: Alliances

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Harry managed to apparate in front of the door that housed the Greatest Dark Lord in History.

Guarding the door, were a few low-rank Death Eaters that Harry managed to get by with great ease.

Inside, Harry was met with a few middle-rank, masked Death Eaters that were firing nasty-coloured curses at him. He would have just turned into the shadows but he didn't want Voldemort to make the connection to him and Ashe too soon.

He managed to fend off the curses and levitated their bodies to the meeting room.

Upon entering, Harry had the wands of Malfoy, Yaxley, Crabbe, Goyle and Greyback pointed at him though he didn't show it. Harry just raised his eyebrows at the Dark Lord.

"Wands down," the young Dark Lord instructed much to the confusion of the Inner Circle.

"But, My Lord-" Crabbe started. "I said wands down!"

They quickly obeyed not wanting the man to be angry. Whenever he was, angry that is, it didn't go well for his followers.

"Lord Potter," he greeted cordially, "How nice of you to join us,"

The Death Eaters including Snape was now gaping almost comically as he dropped the 20 or so bodies in front of the Dark Lord.

"Lord Voldemort," he bowed his head respectfully.

"Lord Potter here is by far the most competent of you all," he stated, "He is the reason that I stand before you here today,"

Snape was surprised. He knew that there was more to the boy than what meets the eye but this was more than he was expecting.

"Who knew that the boy who was prophesized to kill me, was the one to bring me back to life," he chuckled at the irony, "The Potter boy has proven himself to be more useful to me than any of you and for this, he shall be welcomed to the top of my ranks," He gestured to the seat to the right of him.

He promptly made his way to the seat and sat down with a perfect posture dressed in full black combat gear as well as dragon-hide boots and gloves.

He looked at his Potions Master and winked, "Told you that I'd see you, Severus," he nearly snorted, "Why are you so surprised?"

Tom chuckled.

"Shall we get down to business then?" Harry asked.

"Yes, of course," he replied, "How did you manage to acquire the Lordship of Slytherin and Gaunt?"

"I managed to claim the Lordship of Slytherin and Gaunt from you... by right of conquest,"

Tom raised an eyebrow, "I see... well you can keep it, I think I have enough influence on the world, don't you?"

"I agree," he nodded.

"So... why are you here?"

"I believe you are the one who invited me," he said sarcastically, "And next time you send me a letter please send a more inconspicuous bird. Old Dumbles is already suspicious. Speaking of the devil, I have a meeting with him at 6 so please make this quick,"

"You know what I am talking about, Potter," he replied annoyed.

The Death Eaters were frozen. If anyone else had even tried that with the Dark Lord, they would not be able to move for weeks or dead.

"The Dark?, you see... I have my reasons,"

"What might those reasons be?"

"To be completely honest, the thing that turned me to the Dark, was Dumble-Dork," he sighed, "He's a manipulative old git, at least you don't pretend to be nice,"

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