Chapter 33: ICW

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Harry used the International Floo on the day to come to Singapore.

He used those days to sightsee and explore a bit. Before he knew it, he was at the International Wizarding Meeting Centre, waiting for it to start. He had spoken to Fudge and he said that they usually didn't start the meeting until about 1 for late arrivals as well as to give a chance for the people to socialize.

Harry withdrew all of his Dark Magic and hid it, instead, replacing it with a calm and inviting magic, making people see him as superior but not be intimidated. A sneaky little piece of magic.

Before the meeting began, Harry had struck up some interesting conversation with the Nigerian Minister as well as the Chief Warlock of Australia. The Nigerian Minister, Sani Ado, wore a simple black suit and tie while the Australian, Theodore Brown, wore bright-yellow robes with intricate white detailing.

Harry wore a formal muggle suit with a smart tie, displaying his Slytherin colours. He was by far the youngest one there, by at least 25 years. It earned some odd and admiring stares but...whatever.

"So, I have heard rumours about you and your accomplishments," the Australian Warlock said, raising a brow at Harry.

"As have I," the Sani added, "I do not mean to be rude but, how old are you exactly?"

"Currently, I am 12 years young and soon to be thirteen as the 7th months dies," he smiled, looking down. The men standing before him were slightly taller than him though not unbearably so.

"I see...profound word choice, like straight out of a prophecy," the man in yellow smiled, "Congratulations, you have certainly built a name for yourself, everyone seems to be talking about you,"

Harry chuckled, "It seems that I have that effect on people."

They chuckled together and a few others joined them.

"Tell me, Harry," the Australian asked, "How exactly did you manage to land such a position so young?"

The people around him listened intently, waiting for his answer. Luckily, Harry had experience in dealing with politicians and people in general.

"I guess what pushed me to become Chief Warlock was seeing the person that was Chief before me. Dumbledore was put on trial for embezzlement of my funds and was found guilty. When I saw that such a person had that much power, it pushed me to make a difference,"

His audience was captivated by his response. Harry had a way to make people listen. He was a born leader and anyone could see that. He also may have been using a little, tiny, itty, bitty sliver of magic.

If looks could kill, Dumbledore would be 6 feet under in 9 different countries.

Harry had made an impression on everyone in the room as he made his way around. He impressed them all with his knowledge of their languages and acted as a translator for many of them talking to different political heads. To say that they were impressed would be an understatement.

Harry tried his best to make the room go against Dumbledore because if Dumbledore was not liked, his position of Supreme Mugwump would be diminished.

Harry had made connections to the most powerful Wizards and Witches around the room. They were captivated by his stories and impressed by his abilities.

A little charm never hurt anybody.

A few were apprehensive to discussing world issues with a 12-year-old but Potter soon changed their minds and showed off his languages as well as his accomplishments in the most subtle way possible, to not look as if he were bragging and such. Arrogance in front of proud people never went well. He spoke a lot with the Chief Warlock of Colombia, Amira Martínez. She was a very accomplished Chief with good relations with everyone.

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