Chapter 6 (Year 3)

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Charlotte had woken up before everyone else that morning. She had taken a shower, fixed her hair into some very neat waves. Hermione had woken up a little later.

"You're up early, breakfast doesn't start for an hour." Hermione yawned as she stretched on her bed.

"I was too excited." Lottie chuckled,

"Meet you downstairs?" Lottie asked. Hermione nodded.

"Yes, I'll be down in twenty minutes." Hermione said, as Lottie grabbed her bag and exited their dorm. She walked downstairs and sat on the couch, waiting for Hermione, as she took out her potions book, and started reading.

"Are you studying already?" Someone asked after ten minutes. Charlotte looked up and saw the twins staring at her.

"Well, I mean I am two weeks late, aren't I?" Charlotte said, as she shut her book, and they sat down next to Charlotte. George pulled out a rolled-up newspaper from his back pocket.

"Hey, could I see the front page?" Charlotte asked.

"Sure," George pulled it away from the others, and handed it to her. Pettigrew's face was laughing, but it didn't see like the Pettigrew she knew. It reminded her of Sirius's Black's mugshot instead.

"They say he's metal. Killed all those muggles and tried to kill Sirius Black." Fred said as he watched Pettigrew's face.

"All they could find at first was a finger, and some bloody robes. They thought Sirius had done it, so they arrested him. Later, when an auror was walking down the streets, Peter Pettigrew was right there. He was covered in blood and limping. So, he arrested him on the spot because he was supposed to be dead. They questioned both of them. Your parents and Sirius both explained that Peter was their secret keeper, so he was put in jail, and was there ever since until he broke out, a couple weeks ago." Fred explained, as Charlotte kept her eyes on Pettigrew.

"How do you know this?" Lottie asked. They both shrugged.

"We heard Mr. Potter explaining everything to Dad. We figured that Harry would already know you didn't?" George asked. Charlotte shook her head.

"No, I didn't." She whispered, as she heard Hermione come down the stairs.

"Charlotte, let's go. Do you guys want to come?" Hermione asked the twins, as Lottie stood up.

"We've got to go handle some other business, Granger." George smirked; Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I hope you two don't do anything troubling." Hermione said, shaking her head. As she and Lottie climbed out of the portrait hole, she was still clutching onto the picture of Pettigrew. She shoved it into her pocket, as Hermione started rambling on about all the professor's. They got to the hall, where McGonagall was already waiting for Charlotte, along with a few other people in the hall.

"Ms. Potter, here is your schedule. I'm sure Ms. Granger could help with locating everything." She said, looking at Hermione.

"Of course." Hermione said, as Lottie nodded, scanning her schedule.

"Thank you." Lottie put the schedule away. As more people started arriving, breakfast was starting in twenty minutes.


"So, finally the Potter returns." Someone yelled from behind Charlotte, as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and her were eating breakfast. Harry and Charlotte turned around, both confused, seeing Malfoy, who had a cast around one arm, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Excuse me?" Charlotte said, Draco scoffed.

"What acting like you don't remember attacking me on platform 9 3/4?" Draco asked. Charlotte stared at her before starting to laugh.

"Oh, now I remember. You mean when I almost beat you up, correct?" Lottie asked, standing up. Harry was right behind her. Draco took one step closer to her, glaring down at her. Charlotte was tall, standing at five foot five, but Draco was still taller. Harry grinned. He enjoyed having Lottie around now.

"You were not about to! You threatened me!" Draco yelled,

"Threatened you? Are you kidding? I barely touched you." Lottie shouted.

"You grabbing me by my collar is barely touching me?" He asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, that was nothing."

"All I'm saying is that you better watch out, Potter." Draco said,

"You stay away from my sister, Malfoy." Harry yelled at him, pointing a finger in his chest. Draco rolled his eyes, before turning away and walking back to the Slytherin table.

"God, he's such an asshole." Lottie muttered, but she had a smile on her face as she watched him.

"Yeah, best to ignore him." Harry said, shaking his head as they turned around to eat breakfast.


"Snape's horrible, he's going to hate you." Ron said, as the four of them walked to potions class.

"Ronald!" Hermione snapped, smacking him on the arm. He laughed, rubbing his arm.

"It's not like I'm lying Hermione, it's true! He'll hate you! He hates all Gryffindors." Ron exclaimed. Charlotte giggled, listening to them go on about Professors even though she knows them already.

"I'm not saying you're not nice Charlotte, but don't be offended when he doesn't like you." Ron said, Charlotte nodded.

"I won't blame you." Ron nodded as they entered the classroom. Snape was behind his desk, barley looking at his students, as he did his work.

Charlotte sat next to Harry and took out her supplies, knowing this might be a horrible first lesson, but was okay with it.

"You are going to be making a Babbling Potion. At the end of the class, we will be drinking it." Snape said, finally staring up. His eyes landed on Charlotte briefly. He flicked his wand, and the chalk wrote out the instructions.

"You all may begin now." Snape said, as he stood up.


Snape walked around the room, making Charlotte nervous.

"Don't worry, you're doing just fine." Hermione whispered to her, knowing how stressed Charlotte was for her first option. Snape walked over to hers, and Charlotte stiffened up, nervously. Snape sniffed it, and then nodded.

"That's it?" Hermione said, surprised, as he walked away.

"I guess, I'm just as surprised as you are." Charlotte laughed, breathing out relieved.

"Now, that all of you are done, well, all expect you Longbottom." Snape said, Neville flushed. His cauldron had exploded in his face.

"Now, like I said, we're going to test them. Hmm, Charlotte." He barked. Charlotte's head shoot up.

"Yes, Professor?"

"Pick someone to test your potion out."

"I have to pick?"

"Yes." Charlotte smiled as she scanned the crowd of people before her eyes landed on Draco. She smirked at him, and he shook his head, pleading not too, but she had her mind set.

"Malfoy." The Gryffindors started giggling quietly.

"Professor Snape! You don't actually expect me to come up and drink the potion!" Draco yelled, glaring at Charlotte.

"Get up here!" Snape yelled, grabbing him by the collar. He poured Charlotte's potion into a small glass and handed it to Malfoy. Malfoy glared at Charlotte before he drank the potion.

After a second of nothing, he started blabbing like a baby. Charlotte and the rest of the Gryffindors giggled as she watched him. Draco was thinking of ways to get her back.

"Charlotte... dead...." He blabbed, in between. He was already planning his revenge for her. She had now made a fool out of him twice.

Snape smirked as he handed Draco the antinode, and Draco went back to normal.

"Well, done." He told Charlotte as the bell rang. 

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