Chapter 74

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Charlotte fell off the thestrals. She had been hit with a jinx that almost had thrown her off the thestral from the pain, but her mother had managed to grab her arm and both, just as they had gotten to Lilliana's house.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked as Charlotte rolled on her side, still in her polyjuice form.

"Yes fine. It was just a little pain. Falling was the worst part." Charlotte grunted as she stood up, wondering how her glasses were still on, and whipping the dirt from her trousers.

"I found the portkey!" James shouted. From the bushes, it was a large wooden spoon.

"It should go off soon," Lily said, as they stood around it, James placed it in the middle of the circle, they had formed, but as soon as he placed the portkey on the ground, it started to glow a light brown color.

"Quickly!" Lily shouted as they all grabbed onto it. Charlotte felt as if her body was jerked behind the navel, dragging her into nothingness. She spun uncontrollably and uncomfortably. She shut her eyes and held onto her glasses.

Finally, Charlotte was slammed onto the ground, on her hands and knees, but then she felt her body bubbling, shrinking, her hair growing and her ginger hair returning, and finally, she was herself again as she stood up. Several people ran out. Lupin grabbed James by the arm, pointing his wand directly at James's face, while Sirius grabbed Lily, and Peter grabbed Charlotte. Kingsley stood with his wand ready in case anything happened.

"What's going on?" James yelled, looking at his four friends, confused.

"James, what was the first thing you said to me when you found out I was a werewolf?" Remus asked,

"What?" James yelled,

"Answer the question!" Sirius yelled.

"I said that it didn't care, and you're still my friend?" James said, sounding confused. Remus let him go, lowering his wand, and turning to Sirius.

"Lily, what did you tell me when I had concerns about Lilliana moving in a couple of years ago?" Sirius asked,

"I said that she reminded me of a young you." Sirius lowered his wand.

"Charlotte, where did you find me hiding in your third year?" Peter asked, pointing his wand at Charlotte's face. She was still wearing her glasses, which were hanging lopsided on her face.

"The forbidden forest," Charlotte shouted.

"What's going on?" James shouted again.

"We've been betrayed! Voldemort knew we were moving you four!" Kingsley shouted as Peter let Charlotte go.

"Whose here?" Charlotte asked, just as Harry and Hermione came out.

"You guys are okay," he said, relieved, before hugging his family. Charlotte hugged Hermione. Both of them look slightly ridiculous with the overly large clothes on.

"Who else is here?" James asked,

"Just Harry, George, Hagrid, Kingsley, Hermione, and I," Remus explained.

"The others aren't here yet?" Lily asked Sirius, shook his head.

"We've been waiting, but so far, no one is here. Mrs. Weasley is going mental, George is injured, and the others aren't even here yet." Peter said, looking at the burrow with sympathy as they started walking inside.

"I'm going to stay out here; I'll wait for the others to come, integrate the others," Kingsley said.

They entered the kitchen, hearing Mrs. Weasley's small cries from the kitchen, and Ginny sniffling. They walked into the living room, seeing George's ear was missing, the side of his face and neck covered in blood, as he laid on the couch, his eyes shut.

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