Chapter 18 (Year 3)

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They had just managed to walk towards the castle before Remus stopped dead in his tracks and looked up at the full moon. The others looked behind them to Remus before Sirius and Peter ran up to Lupin.

"He didn't take his potion," Charlotte whispered.

"What?" Ron asked,

"He didn't take his potion! Run!" Charlotte yelled; Remus had changed into his wolf form. Sirius, Peter, and James transformed as well, trying to calm him but were failing.

"Hermione takes Ron up to the hospital wing," Harry shouted, as he grabbed his wand and ran after the four of them. Snape had woken up at that moment, just as Charlotte was about to run after them.

"You three need to go! Now!" Snape shouted, as he grabbed Charlotte by the arm and pulled her along.

"No!" Charlotte shouted, as she kicked Snape in the knee. He yelped in pain as she ran after Harry and the others.

"Potter, you get back here right now!" Snape yelled, but Charlotte ignored him as she ran after them. Snape grabbed Hermione and Ron and sent them to the hospital wing. She could hear yelling, but she couldn't see them anywhere. Eventually, she found the dementors circling Peter.

"Peter!" She shouted, but he just shook his head.

"Go Charlotte! It's okay! Your dad is hurt! Go get him help!" Peter shouted. He pointed in the direction of where James was lying.

"Charlotte! It's okay! Go!" Peter yelled again, as the dementors got closer to him. Charlotte ran to James, seeing him covered in bloody scratch marks. He had managed to transform back into his human self. His breath was shaking, and he was groaning in pain.

"James, James, come on, you have to get up! We have to take you to Madam Pomfrey." Charlotte said, as she kneeled down next to James, put her hand over his largest wound, and applied pressure.

"Charlotte." He smiled, weakly.

"James, please stand up. We have to take you back to Madam Pomfrey." She said. There were tears in her eyes, blinding her vision. She blinked them away, but that only caused them to fall harder.

"Charlotte, you have to go."

"I have my wand, I can try episkey." Lottie said, James laughed.

"That's only for minor injuries." He said Charlotte signed.

"Please, James, stand up."

"I can't."

"Please try, try, dad," Charlotte said, but James had closed his eyes, and nodded. Suddenly, everything went dark. She had been hit by the stupefy spell, by Snape, who had come back for her, and the others. He smirked at James's bloody body.

"I owe you nothing after this, Potter." He spat, as James opened his eyes weakly and tried not to glare at Snape.


Charlotte opened her eyes, hearing loud voices from the hospital wing, before almost jumping out of the bed. Madam Pomfrey rushed over to her.

"Where's my dad? Where is he? Where's Harry?" Charlotte shouted. Madam Pomfrey grabbed her by the arm, and sat her on the bed, shoving chocolate in her hands.

"You will see your brother soon."

"Where is my dad? And Remus? And Sirius?" Charlotte said as she put the chocolate on the nightstand.

"He's on another bed healing, along with Sirius, and Remus is still in the forest."

"So, they are alive?" Charlotte asked. Dumbledore nodded. She let out a relieved breath.

"What about Peter? Where is he?"

"Harry and Hermione should be... helping him right about now. I'm sure you know what I mean." Charlotte nodded.

"I do,"

"They aren't going to Azkaban, are they?" Charlotte asked. Dumbledore shook his head.

"I will leave you to rest, Madam Pomfrey has asked that you stay the night. Your mother is on her way, I have already sent her an owl." Dumbledore said, as he stood up and opened the curtain, before walking out.

A/N- Sorry, this chapter is so short, but this is all my brain can think of for this chapter.

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