Chapter 84

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Later that night after Charlotte and Draco arrived at Sirius's house, finding Lilliana sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine, her feet up on the table.

"Why did all of you go to shell's cottage? "She said, before looking up. Her eyes landed on Draco, her magazine slipping from her fingers and landing on her lap.

"I'm either seeing something or you're actually here," Lilliana said, as she stood up and walked to Draco, who grinned at his sister, as she came to hug him.

"I missed you, little brother." She said, before letting him go and hugging Charlotte.

"Now, we need to assign rooms. You two will not be sharing a room." James said, pointing between Charlotte and Draco.

"Are there even enough rooms to split us up?" Charlotte asked.

"Sirius, how many rooms are there again?" James asked.

"Four," Sirius said, as he walked to the kitchen, where Peter and Lilliana were.

"Fine, Lily and I will sleep on the couch. Peter and Sirius can keep sharing a room, and Lilliana will sleep in the spare room. Draco and Charlotte will get out of the spare rooms." James said.

"Dad, I can just share a room with Dra- "Draco shook his head at her, looking at James.

"Don't even think about it, young lady," James warned. Pointing a finger in her face, Charlotte shook her head at him.

"Okay." Charlotte signed, as her Mum helped her sit down on the couch.

"I'll start making dinner. Who wants to help? I'm not cooking a meal for all seven of us alone." Lily said.

"I can help you, Lily," Peter said, standing up.

"Me too!" Lilliana said.

"Thank you. Unlike those two." Lily said, eyeing James and Sirius.

"You hate my cooking," James said,

"I eat take out." Sirius shrugged, turning the tv on. Lily rolled her eyes as she, Lilliana, and Peter walked to the kitchen.

"So Draco," James said, leaning back on the chair he was sitting on.

"Yes?" Draco said,

"Can I call you Draco?"

"That's my name?" Draco said, sending a confused glance at Charlotte.

"Perfect, well I have a couple of questions."

"Oh boy," Sirius said.

"What are you going to be doing in ten years? After the war?" James asked,

"What?" Draco said, surprised.

"Ten years from now, what are you going to be doing professionally?" James clarified.

"Hm, well. I'm not sure. I haven't thought of it much because of my parents, but I thought a healer would be nice."

"Why haven't you thought much about it?" James asked.

"Because I've been too busy becoming a death eater and now a wanted death eater?" Draco remarked.

"Fair enough," James said, as Sirius started laughing.


Later that night, they heard a knock on the door. James stood up, taking his wand out.

"Whose there?" James called out.

"It's Remus Lupin, known as Moony, thanks to you three in our second year because I am a werewolf. I'm married to Nymphadora Tonks. You are the secret keepers and you told me where Sirius Black's house was." Remus explained, James opened the door, seeing a grinning Remus.

"Tonks had the baby!" Remus said in one breath, as he entered, taking off his traveling coat.

"What?" Lily yelled, jumping up from her seat on the ground to greet him.

"It's a boy! We've named him Ted, after Dora's father!" Remus explained, sounding giddy.

"She had the baby!" Sirius yelled,


"Congratulations!" Charlotte called from the couch. Remus looked over, blinking several times.

"Charlotte? You're here! How?" Remus called, forgetting about the baby for a second.

"We were just about to owl you! Harry, Ron, and Hermione are back! They were at the Malfoy manor!" Lily explained.

"But enough about that! Tell us about the baby!" Charlotte said.

"He's perfect! I swear he looks like Tonks, but she thinks he looks like me. And his hair is already changing colors, I swear! It was black when he was born, but ginger when I left! I think when I get back it's going to be blond! And Andromeda says Tonks did the same when she was born." Remus said, before turning to Peter.

"Peter, would you be the God Father?"

"M-me?" Peter asked,

"Yeah, you!"

"Why? I thought it would be Sirius or James!" Peter said.

"Of course not! Your my best friend. I want it to be you! And Lilliana Tonks wants you to be the Godmother. She can't think of anyone other than you!" Remus said,

"We'd love to do it!" Peter said, smiling.

"Perfect!" Remus said, looking younger than he had in years.

"Where's the firewhiskey!" Sirius shouted, rushing to the kitchen. He grabbed one bottle and several cups. He handed everyone the cups and opened the firewhiskey, before filling the goblets.

"To Teddy Remus Lupin! A great wizard in the making!" Remus cheered.

"To Teddy!" Everyone shouted, even Draco, before sipping on their drinks and congratulating Remus again.

"I have to go! I still need to go to Shell's cottage and tell the others, especially since Harry is here! Come visit us soon and see the baby!" Remus said, as he put the glass down and grabbed his traveling cloak.

"Well, come soon!" James said, Remus, nodded, before saying goodbye and disappearing into the night.

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