Chapter 86

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An owl knocked on Charlotte's window, early on the morning of May 2nd. The owl had a big box in its claws. Charlotte opened her window, letting the owl in. It dropped the box on her bed before sitting on the nightstand. Charlotte gave the owl the last bit of her lemon cake, and opened the box, seeing her brand new wand next to Draco's new wand.

She had owled Mr. Ollivander after finding her wand broken, split down the middle, in her parent's room. She figured it must have been stepped on when she dropped it at Fleur and Bill's wedding, and asked one for Draco, too. There was a letter under it. She took it out, careful not to touch the wand just yet, as the owl flew out the window.

Dear Ms. Potter,

I have made you a wand from ash wood and Kelpie hair. I know you are supposed to end up coming in and choosing one, but since we can't, this will have to do. I hope with the time we had spent together that I have made the right one for you. It was all I could get in a short amount of time. I have made Mr. Malfoy a wand from timber wood and a thunderbird tail feather. I hope it works.


Mr. Ollivander

Charlotte folded the letter and placed it on her bed as she picked up her wand. She felt warmth on her fingertips. Charlotte gripped the wand and swung it around in a circle. Small gold and purple fireworks.

Charlotte looked up at the clock. It was 10:25 in the morning, tonight Voldemort would be coming to Hogwarts and the battle of Hogwarts will happen.


Charlotte sat n the living room, staring at the windows. It was getting dark.

"Lottie?" Draco asked as he sat down next to her. James cleared his throat from the other side of the room, and Draco scooted over from Charlotte, putting some distance in the middle.

"Hm?" She said.

"Are you okay? You seem distracted." He said as Lily shook her head at James.

"Fine." She said, still staring at the window.

"Did I do something?" He asked,

"What?" Charlotte said, looking over at him.

"Did I do something to bother you? Are you still annoyed about Lilliana walking in on- "Draco stopped, looking over at James, his eyes filled with fear, who seemed distracted talking to Peter.

"Oh calm down, he didn't hear you." Charlotte laughed.

"Anyway, are you annoyed with me? You've been distant all day."

"Oh, no. I'm just distracted," Charlotte said, grabbing Draco's hand. Draco looked at James, who looked at their hands but said nothing.

"So it's not about the shower thing?" Draco whispered, and she shook her head.

"No, you're fine. I had fun before it was interrupted." Charlotte looked over at Lilliana, who was trying to avoid eye contact with them, still embarrassed.

Then Peter jumped up from the chair, searching in his pockets for something.

"Peter, what are you doing?" Sirius asked,

"I felt it heat up!" Peter said, Sirius, looked at him confused.

"Your pen-"

"The coin, you idiot! I asked-you know Longbottom when I saw him last year when Dumbledore died, I told him if he needed anything-found it!" He shouted, taking the coin out.

"Anyway, I found it! He said that he will use the coin. I sent him a letter a couple of weeks ago, and he said that if it heats three times that means Harry's come back to Hogwarts. They said that a revolution would happen. Harry's back!" Peter said,

"What?" James yelled,

"Harry's back at Hogwarts! Something's going to happen. He's back for a reason!" Charlotte felt a shiver go down her spine.

"We've got to go then!" Sirius shouted, standing up. They all started grabbing their shoes and wands as Charlotte stood up.

"Where do you think you're going?" James asked,

"With you," Charlotte said. James shook his head.

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am," Charlotte said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, you're not. You just got back from being locked in a cellar for almost a year! You can stay here." James said. She shook her head.


"Charlotte," James said.

"Mum!" Charlotte shouted, turning to her mother.

"I have to agree with your dad. He's right, you just got back." Lily said,

"You two don't understand! I have to come with you!" Charlotte shouted.

"No! You're going to stay here!" James shouted as he put his shoes on.

"Dad! Please!"

"No, end of discussion," James said, as he started walking out with the others.

"I will see you when we come back," James said, before turning to Draco.

"Draco, I trust you to keep her here."

"Yes sir," Draco said. James nodded before they shut the door behind him.

"You're going to keep me here?" Charlotte said, turning to Draco.

"You know your dad scares me. What was I supposed to say, and to be fair, I do think you should stay here."

"Draco, I'm going to Hogwarts," Charlotte said. Draco shook his head.

"You don't even have a wand. How are you going to get there?" Draco said, Charlotte smirked.

"I do, and I got one for you, too."

"What?" Draco said, surprised.

"I got us wands. They arrived this morning."

"You knew this was going to happen and you've been what? Preparing."

"Exactly! Now if I don't go, people are going to die!" Draco's face paled,

"What are you talking about?"

"I have to be there, okay? Are you coming or not?" Charlotte asked,

"And let you go alone? Of course not. Let's go." Draco said, getting off the couch.

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