Chapter 7 (Year 3)

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Charlotte and Harry sat in Lupin's office as their friends went to Hogsmeade.

"We could still go. Could you convince Mum and Dad, Moony?" Harry asked.

"Harry, they have their reasons." Lupin explained,

"But I don't like their reasons. It's not fair! Everyone else gets to go, why do we not?" Harry complained again. Lupin opened his mouth, but Harry cut him off.

"And don't say we have to be careful, Moony."

"Charlotte, how has your day been?" Moony asked, ignoring Harry. Harry glared at him.

"Oh fine, ignore me."

"It was okay. I'm a little hungry." Lupin took out all his chocolates, and handed them to her, as the door opened, and Snape came in, holding a

"Ah, Severus," said Lupin, smiling.

"Thanks very much. Could you leave it here on the desk for me?" Snape set it on the desk and looked between the three of them.

"I was just showing Charlotte and Harry my Grindylow," Lupin explained, pointing at the tank of them.

"Fascinating. You should drink that directly, Lupin." Snape advised.

"Yes, yes, I will."

"I made an entire cauldron full. If you need more." Snape continued,

"I should probably have some again tomorrow. Thanks very much, Severus." Lupin said,

"Not at all," Snape said, before walking out and shutting the door behind him. Harry stood up and put his ear against the door. Remus and Charlotte shared a look and rolled their eyes.

"I cannot believe you still take Wolfsbane's potion from him! He could have poisoned it." Harry said, pointing to the door.

"You are so dramatic, Harry. He helps with my condition." Remus said, looking at Charlotte nervously.

"You mean, your furry problem." Charlotte said, smirking into her cup.

"Oh please, of course Mum and Dad told her." Harry said as he walked over to the potion.

"Maybe I should drink it first." Harry whispered, as he kneeled down and became eye level with it, examining it.

"Why would you drink it first?" Charlotte asked,

"To test if it's poisons, so if I die, then we know he's evil!" Harry said as he picked it up.

"And that's what we're not going to do. You have been spending a bit too much time with Padfoot. Last summer, you've become too dramatic." Remus said, taking it from him, and locking it in a drawer.

"I have not!" Harry gasped.


"Why isn't anyone going in?" Ron asked after dinner.

"Let me through, please! What's the holdup here? You can't all have forgotten the password — excuse me, I'm Head Boy —" Percy said, pushing his way through the crowd, importantly. The crowd went silent as Percy screamed.

"Somebody get Professor Dumbledore. Quick."

"What's going on?" Ginny asked as she stood on her tippy toes to see over people's heads.

Professor Dumbledore arrived, and people squeezed together, letting him through, letting Dumbledore through.

"Oh, my- "Hermione whispered, grabbing onto Charlotte's arm. The Fat Lady had disappeared and instead was a large slash. Parts of the canvas had fallen on the floor, and great chunks of it had been ripped out of it.

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