Chapter 76

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The next day at three o'clock, Charlotte stood in the bride's room, as Mrs. Weasley called it, helping Fleur with any last-minute wedding details. Charlotte wore a beautiful, long floral backless dress. It was mint green, with small grey and blue flowers, and had matching white heels with it.

"You look beautiful, Fleur," Charlotte said, looking at her in the mirror. Hermione nodded from the corner. Fleur's wedding dress was a simple dress that had a strong silvery glow.

"Thank you." Fleur grinned as Aunt Muriel walked in, being helped by Mrs. Weasley.

"This is the bride? She could be a little taller. I thought she was a veela." Muriel said.

"She is a veela, and I think she is a good height for Bill." Mrs. Weasley said, hoping that Fleur would not murder Muriel by the look she was giving her right now.

"Well, here's my tiara, it's goblin made, so I expect it to be back after the wedding," Muriel said, as she handed Mrs. Weasley the box it was in. Muriel looked over at Hermione and Charlotte.

"Are you another Weasley?" She asked Charlotte.

"No, just a friend. I'm Charlotte Potter." She said,

"Potter, eh? You look too skinny, you must be tired." Charlotte threw an annoyed look at Hermione.

"Oh dear, is this the Muggle-born?" Muriel asked, looking at Hermione.

"Yes, ma'am," Hermione said. Muriel shook her head.

"You have bad posture and skinny ankles."


"The wedding's going to start. Why don't you two go and find seats?" Mrs. Weasley suggested as she fixed the tiara on Fleur's head.


"... then I declare you bonded for life." The wizard officiant said, as he raised his wand into the air and a shower of silver stars fell over them. Fred and George started a round of applause as golden balloons burst around them, birds flew around them, and golden balls floated around their heads.

"Ladies and gentlemen! If you would please stand up!" The crowd stood up, and then the venue changed from the chairs that they had just been sitting on into tables and chairs.

"We should go and congratulate them!" Hermione said as she tried to see them through the crowds of people that surrounded them.

"We'll have time later," Ron told them, as he grabbed four butterbeers for them.

"Hermione, cop hold, let's grab a table.... Not there! Nowhere near Muriel–" Ron almost shouted, before leading them to the back of the tent where Luna was sitting.

"All right, if we join you?" He asked her,

"Oh yes. Daddy's just gone to give Bill and Fleur our present." Luna explained as they sat down.

"What is it, a lifetime's supply of Gurdyroots?" Ron asked.

"No, don't be silly, you can't give those as presents. They bring bad luck. We bring them Lods, they bring good luck, and they are yellow." Luna explained. Ron looked at her strangely.

"I like this song," Luna said, swaying slightly, before standing up and going to dance with her father.

"She's great, isn't she? Always good value." Ron said as he watched her walk away. Ron's smile vanished as Krum sat down in Luna's empty chair.

"Who is the man in yellow?" Krum asked, eyeing Luna's father, Xenophilius Lovegood.

"That's Xenophilius Lovegood. He's the father of a friend of ours," Ron said, his tone warning Krum not to laugh at Xenophilius.

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