Chapter 22 (Year 4)

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Two months have passed, and the two schools were going to be coming to Hogwarts waited outside for them, by the forbidden forest.

"It's freezing. Where are they?" Parvati huffed as she wrapped her arms around herself. Charlotte put her arm around Parvati, huddling together.

"Your robes should keep you warm," Lavender said.

"Well, why am I saying it's cold if it should be warm?" Parvati said.

"Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!" Dumbledore called out.

"Where!" Lavender shouted, looking around.

"There!" A sixth year said, pointing over the forest. There was a large black shape that started scaring many of the students.

"It's a dragon!"

"Don't be's a flying house!" Denis Creevy yelled.

The giant black shape was actually a large powdered blue carriage, that was the size of a house. Large, winged horses as big as elephants were pulling the carriage.

The first row of students jumped back as it landed. A man jumped out and took out a large pair of golden steps. The largest woman anyone had ever seen stepped out, looking around at all the shocked faces. Dumbledore clapped, and slowly students started to follow.

Madam Maxine smiled at Dumbledore as she offered him her hand.

"My dear Madame Maxime. Welcome to Hogwarts." He said as he kissed the top of her hand.

"Dumbly-dort, I 'ope I find you well?" She asked in her deep voice.

"In excellent form, I thank you," Dumbledore answered.

"My pupils," Maxine said, gesturing a large hand towards her students, who no one noticed. There were several students shivering from the cold.

"Omg, I love this year." Lavender giggled, eyeing many of the boys.

"Me too." Charlotte and Parvati giggled. Dumbledore and Maxine talked for a bit until the lake started to stir.

"The lake! Look at the lake!" Lee Jordon yelled.

There was a large whirlpool, and in the center was a large, black pole. A ship rose out of the lake, it glided towards the shore, before an anchor was thrown down and a plank was set.

Several boys were coming down and leading them was Karkaroff.

"Dumbledore! How are you, my dear fellow? How are you?" Karkaroff yelled,

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replied. They talked shortly before people started walking back inside.


That night after Dumbledore explained the tournament, they were sent off to bed. Charlotte was having trouble sleeping. She wanted to go and stop Cedric from entering the tournament, but she knew she couldn't.

She woke up early that next morning, before anyone else, and walked to the great hall. She sat on the Gryffindor table and watched the goblet.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked, as he came and sat next to Charlotte, to close she noted, and made some space between them, by placing her bag between them.

"Nothing. Why are you sitting here? This is the Gryffindor table."

"I know what table this is Charlotte, I'm not an idiot."

"Are you sure about that?" Charlotte laughed. Draco rolled his eyes.

"There's no one here. Why are you here?" He asked again.

"I'm waiting for Cedric."

"Cedric Diggory! Why? Do you have a crush on him?" Draco asked, feeling slightly annoyed.

"What? No! I-just-um- "Charlotte said, trying to think of something. She couldn't tell him. She wanted to stop him from entering a tournament that will eventually get Cedric killed.

"You do have a crush on him! How dare you!" Draco shouted, fuming.

How could she have a crush on him? Or on anyone!

Draco thought.

"No!" Charlotte said, but Draco shook his head.

"You can't have a crush on Diggory!"

"Who are you to tell me who I can have a crush on and who I can't?" Charlotte said, pointing at him angrily.


"No one! Exactly! So I will have a crush on anyone I want, and for your information, it's not Diggory."

"Then who is it?"

"I don't have a crush on anyone. I'm just saying if I did, it would be none of your business."

They were both turning a bright red from how annoyed they were. Charlotte was too annoyed to see how jealous Draco was. He wanted to punch Diggory the next time he saw him, but he knew that seventh year could beat him any day.

Charlotte turned away from him and stared at the goblet of fire instead.

How dare he try to control who I have a crush on! He's no one important in my life, he has no say in this. He has no say in anything that's part of my life. It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything. What if he was?

She shook that last thought out of her head, rested her head on the table, and closed her eyes.

Draco looked down at Charlotte. Her hair was falling in front of her face a little, and she didn't seem to want to fix it. His fingers twitched, wanting to fix it, but she would scream if he did, so instead, he rested his head on the table next to her.

Draco didn't know why, but he thought of Charlotte every day, he missed their little meetings every Saturday, even if he was just reading in the library with her, or she was watching him practice quidditch, or sitting quietly by the lake, pretending to ignore the other one was there.

The door opened, and more people started filling the room. Draco looked up and spotted Diggory walking in with his friends.

"Look, your boyfriend is here."

"He's not my boyfriend." Charlotte snapped as she opened her eyes and sat up. She watched as he took a piece of parchment, scribbled his name on it quickly, before standing up.

Without thinking, she jumped out of her chair, following Cedric to the goblet.

"Cedric wait!" She shouted, just as he was about to cross the age line. He turned around and stared at her, confused.

"What is it?" He asked.


"It's nothing, Mr. Diggory. Put your name in," Dumbledore said, popping out from behind Charlotte.


"It's okay, go ahead." Dumbledore put a hand on Charlotte's shoulder. It felt like a warning to her not to say anything. Cedric looked at Charlotte one last time before walking past the age line and putting his name in.

His friends cheered for Cedric as he walked back, forgetting about Charlotte and Dumbledore once they reached them.

"Go enjoy breakfast, Ms. Potter. It's the most important meal of the day you know?" Dumbledore said as he walked to his seat.

"Yes, sir," Charlotte muttered, walking back to her seat.

"Looks like you can't say your Loverboy from entering," Draco said, as he stood up, and grabbed his backpack.

"Shut up, Draco," Charlotte said, as she slid into her seat, and Draco walked to his table. 

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