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Idk if I am able to post bc I am currently living at my friends house, getting away from my mum a bit, so I dunno. But have fun. Oh yes and i LOVED the new episode, though I never wanted to punch floch more than in this episode.
And !SPOILER s4 pt2 e82!!



I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling, tears streaming down my cheeks and soaked my pillow, just listening to the raindrops on my window and to the faint voices you could hear in the living room. I didn't exactly knew why I was crying in the middle of the night, well yes, I knew why, but I didn't wanted to admit it. I was crying because of her, knowing I could never date her. „She dosen't like me back." was the sentence that had been stuck in my head all night. I was hoping to fall asleep, but I wasn't able to fall asleep.

I sighed and sat up, wiping away my tears while doing it, then I stood up from The bed and made my way to the kitchen. As I walked through the dark living room, I saw two figures on the couch, making out. I scrunched my nose. „Gross, get a room", I muttered and suddenly I had the urge to throw up. I shook my head and shuffled into the kitchen, not really paying attention to them, nor who they were or if they left. I made myself some coffee and then sat on the balcony, staring at the view in front of me. I sighed again, some quite voices were heard from Marcos room, probably him and Jean, and you could hear the faint noises of the streets. It was indeed pretty, but it didn't lighten my mood at all and a new flood of tears came over me. I sniffled, wiping away the tears with my sleeve. I was freezing, after all, soon was Christmas. I stood up as I finished my coffee, shaking at my whole body, because of the coldness. The Livingroom was now empty, well beside of aw white hoodie that laid on the couch. I grabbed it and made my way to the room of the owner. I knocked and heard shuffle behind the door, then it opened, revealing an messy Annie with bright red cheeks. I gave her the hoodie without any words and walked to my room.


I woke up to someone shaking me awake, the sun was shining in my face and I pulled my covers over it, so I could continue sleeping. I felt how someone tugged at the covers and then ripped it away from me. I immediately started to freeze and then finally opened my eyes, blinking into the bright light. A figure was leaning over me, narrowing their dark blue eyes at me. A concerned frown on their face. I felt how they touched my cheeks, wiping away the dry tears on my eyes, their gaze getting more concerned. I finally sat up and ran my fingers through my tangled hair, turning my head to look at them. „Did I sleep in again Mikasa?" I asked and cracked a smile, she shook her head and sat down next to me with a sight. „It's Saturday so no", she sighed again and laid her head on my shoulder. Just then I noticed the dark circles under her eyes, she seemed so sad. „What's wrong?" I asked, put my arm around her shoulder and rubbed her arm. She closed her eyes, just enjoying my precence. „Kasa?" she hated that nickname and actually stopped to use it, but i still liked the nickname, even though it was really stupid. She didn't reply and just shuffled a bit closer. I didn't ask again, if she didn't want to talk about it for now, then she didn't had to.


We had been in silence for about an hour now, I was laying on my bed, my eyes closed and just in my thoughts. Mikasa was sitting on my desk, a canvas in front of her, biting at the end of my paintbrush, drawing the view from my window. She was quite like humming to the music that played from her phone. My stomach grumbled and I noticed that I haven't eaten since lunch the day before. I stood up of my bed, walking over to Mikasa, to look at the painting at was drawing. „You're quite good", I smiled, leaning over her shoulder to get even a better look. It was actually good, well it looked like it was already summer again, but that was what I liked about it so much. Mikasa had a small frown on her face as she was looking at the painting, biting at the end of the brush again. „But mit as good as you", she grumbled and continued drawing. I chuckled at her. Cute. I thought and continued watching her, listening to her humming quietly and judging her own painting. „Imma get something to eat", I informed her and just as I was about to leave, she said something: „the fridge is empty, Sasha got hungry last night", I groaned and grabbed my coat, shoes and scarf. „Well then imma go grocery shopping, I'll be back in an hour", I said and smiled loving at her, while she already had turned back to paint. How oblivious do you wanna be?

Somewhat romantic (mikasa x genderneutral reader chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now