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I stepped out on the cold air about 15 minutes before mikasa would arrive, knowing I had to walk around 15 minutes to get to the train station. I pulled out my headphones and put them on, tapping play on my playlist. I pushed my hood up as I saw the snow fall from the sky and buried my face in my scarf. I sighed as I saw the snow on the ground, luckily I had put on my doc martens, so it wouldn't be a problem for me to walk trough the snow and I wouldn't be risking slipping on the icy ground. Why did I agree on that again? I asked myself as I left the campus and made my way to the train station. The street were empty and I felt how a nervous feeling krept over me, though I didn't know if it was because it was so dark outside, or maybe that I would have to walk back home with mikasa, alone, in the dark. I felt my face heat up and I shook my head. No time for such stuff! I warned myself.

I could see mikasa from a far as I arrived at the pretty small train station. Her short hair was blowing in the wind and she had buried her face in her dark red scarf. Beside her was a backpack, a familiar backpack. I first got pissed of, then I remembered that I had lent it to her.

I could see the scowl on her face as I approached her, she was shacking due the coldness of the air. „Sorry for being", I checked the time on my phone and raised both of my eyebrows in surprise. „on time..." , I finished and stopped right infront of her. Her cheeks and nose were tinted in a soft red because of the cold air. I must say that it looked really cute, it didn't fit her pretty cold character, but it somehow suited her. „I'll be caring that", I said pointing to the backpack next to her, Mikasa nodded and I quickly grabbed the backpack, swinging it over one of my shoulders. As Mikasa didn't move I gave her a confused look. „C'mon you'll catch a cold and I don't wanna look after you when your fucking sick", I grumbled and took a grip on her hand, pulling me with her.

She seemed in deep thoughts and I couldn't help myself than Beginning to worry. „What's wrong Mikasa?" I asked and let go of her hand. She simply shrugged in a dismissive manner. I rolled my eyes at her. „C'mon you can tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone", I nudged her softly in the side and I heard her scoff in annoyance. „Okay, Whatever, did you eat already?" I asked, changing the subject because I did notice that she really didn't wanna talk about it. „Unfortunately I didn't", she said and I nodded. „There Must Be left over from the Dinner I cooked, though I just hope no one ate it", I cracked a weird smile and in that moment we arrived at the campus.


„Here", I said, putting a steaming plate with some pieces of a pizza on the kitchen table, sitting myself down in front of her. Mikasas expression changed to one of surprise. „I didn't know that you can cook", she then said and took a bite of it, it seemed to taste good because she ate all of it really quickly, I smiled at her. „There Are many things you don't know about me", maybe the fact that I'm madly in love with you, just to begin with. I added in thoughts, though more in an ironic than a serious way.

Even though I had such an weird thought, I still manage to smirk cockily. Mikasa clicked he tongue, her own lips turning into a smirk. „Well, I cant wait to learn about them", she leaned a bit closer, so her lips were hovering next to my ear. „Every Single thing about you", I felt a cold shudder ran down my spine and heat rushed to my head, while mikasa was already leaning back again. She smiled innocently. „Man you drive me Crazy", I mumbled under my breath, took the now empty plate and placed it into the sink, then I leaned at one of the drawers and crossed my arms in front of my chest. „What did you say", Mikasa asked and shrugged in response. She frowned. „Tomorrow evening is that party..." she trailed off at the ending as I raised my eyebrow at her. „Well I was wondering if you'd go there", I let out a dry laugh. I didn't know why she'd ask me such stuff, we both weren't exactly interested in such stuff anyway. „Oh, and why would I go there?" I asked and leaned a bit forward so I could get a better look at her pretty face. Mikasa shrugged. „Well, I'd like to go there with you", I chocked at my own spit and gave her a surprised look. She caught me of guard, though as I regained my coolness, I laughed again. „It's optimistic for you to assume that I would just go there because I could go wit you", Mikasa shot me a glare and I just smiled at her, but not in a cocky way, more in a loving way. „I'd love to go there with you", I said as I passed her to go to my room.

Somewhat romantic (mikasa x genderneutral reader chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now