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I finally got myself to continue writing that story haha. Sorry I had like a writing block but I am HEALED now lol. See ya! Have fun!

Ok how is it possible to have like 8th reads on chapter idk 11 and 30 reads on chapter 12?! (I just chose random Numbers so their not right) but like how's that possible, someone explain!!

I sat in the library, staring onto the painting in front of me, Well more an instruction for a painting technique, my canvas was still empty. I groaned, holding my throbbing head as I reached out for my coffee, that has gotten cold by now, what didn't bother me at all. My gaze wandered to my phone, desperately waiting for a text to pop up. But of course it didn't. For some reason mikasa has gotten cold on me again, like she didn't care for me anymore, Well she still did, but not as much as she had. I groaned again, staring onto the canvas wouldn't help, so I decided that I would switch my location. Grabbing all my stuff and leaving the library, I saw a small bench outside, quickly deciding that I would continue working here. I pulled out my headphones and put them on, playing Gorillaz as I stared painting again.


I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder and I snapped out of my thoughts, turning to look at them just to see Armins, who now took a seat next to me. He glanced at the canvas in front of me, looking pretty impressed. I turned of my music and put away my headphones, „That looks really good", he then complimented me, I gave the painting a judging look. „I don't know, I have been struggling with that technique", I mumbled my eyes focusing on the painting. Armin suddenly pointed at something on it. The only person in the picture. „Is that supposed to be Mikasa?" I frowned at that, looking at the little small figure, the longer I stared at it the more I could see what he meant. The small figure had black familiar hair and some dark blue eyes. I groaned. „It was on accident", I mumbled, Armin just laughed at me while he took the canvas out of my hands to take a better look. I felt my Phone buzz, I was still holding it. I quickly unlocked just to see that someone tagged me in a post on Instagram. I quickly looked at it and saw how Eren had posted some photos of the party from last weekend. I scrolled trough it, to find the post where he had tagged me. It was a picture of me and Mikasa, sitting on the bar and laughing. My gaze glued itself onto Mikasa, just as Armin put the canvas on my lap, I snapped out of my intense stare.

„Armin?" I asked and he looked at me with his kind, blue eyes. „What's going on between you and Eren", he clicked his tongue, obviously annoyed by such stupid question. I grinned smudgley. „Nothing, it's just, well I don't know", I nodded, nudging him into the side, then I packed everything together and we made our way into our dorms.


As Armin and I entered the Apartment we bumped into someone, it was Hitch, Annies girlfriend, trailing behind her Annie herself. I gave both of them a quick smile, stepping to the side so they could leave. My phone buzzed in my pockets and I rolled my eyes, deciding to ignore it. „Do you smell that?" I heard Armin ask and I sniffed the air, a good smell came from the kitchen. It was odd to say the least, we all here could cook the usual stuff, but that smelled too good. I skipped to the kitchen, putting all my painting supplies on the couch table as I passed it and perked inside the kitchen. Seeing an unfamiliar, young man standing on the kitchen, while Sasha, who was drooling, and Mikasa sat on the kitchentable. I decided to join them. „Okay what's going on here", I asked curiously and took the seat next to Mikasa, Sasha didn't seemed to hear me so I turned in her direction. „I don't know actually", Mikasa answered and I frowned, turning to look at the man, his back was facing us, so I couldn't see his face. „Do we know him?" I asked and Mikasa shook her head, I nodded and noticed that I was pretty hungry. „Hey, um, you on the cooker", I called out to the guy, he didn't turn around, but he hummed in respond. „Say, are you cooking just for Sasha, or can I get also some of it?" I asked and gave his back a curious look, pleading that he would say I could get some too. „There will be more than enough", he informed me and I laughed drily. „We're talking about Sasha", I mumbled sarcastically and he let out a small chuckle. „Yeah, I know", he replied and we fell into silence again.

Somewhat romantic (mikasa x genderneutral reader chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now