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Sorry for any spelling mistakes for this and the following chapter but I wrote them in the middle of the night haha. Now have fun

I knocked at the wooden door. „Mikasa?" I said and knocked again as I didn't receive any answer. „Can I come in?" I asked and knocked again, silence. I hugged and decided to open the door, then I stepped inside her clean room. Mikasa laid on them bed, asleep. Next to her a book that she probably had been reading. I stepped closer and then shook her awake. „Get up lazy ass, we're gonna get dinner", I shouted while shaking her rapidly, Mikasa shot up, slapping my hands away as she did so. She looked around in confusion, then she caught sight of me, I bent down to her level and put my hands on her shoulders, shaking her again. „I am hungry, so get up!" I whined and she sighed, standing up from her bed, were I then flipped down on, and opened her closet. „Be glad that I am excited", Mikasa mumbled and gave me a annoyed look over her shoulder, I just rolled my eyes at her. „You were late", I answered and pouted, while my stomach made a loud noise. I laid back into her bed and snuggled into the pillow, taking in her sent that I loved so much. I felt ho Mikasa threw something at me and I rolled around so I could see her. Grabbing the hoodie she threw at me and threw it back, I sat up and stretched. „Are you ready to go now? I don't wanna miss anything", I asked as Mikasa pulled the hoodie over her head, she grabbed her jacket and put on her doc martens. „We have the whole night, we won't miss anything", she said and clicked her tongue, I rolled my eyes at her again and stood up, a teasing grin on my lips. „Well yeah, but the earlier we go, the longer we can be alone, just the two of us", my grin widened as I leaned to her, placing a passionate kiss on her soft lips. „You know you're really bad at such stuff", Mikasa said as we parted again and I just shrugged, then I walked to the door, just as I was about to open it I turned around, a small grin tugging on my lips. „But I am right", I then said and opened the door, waiting for her to walk over, as she did so; I grabbed her hand, pulling her with me.


It was already pretty dark outside as we left the take away restaurant with the food we had bought in our hands. I looked up onto the dark sky, but you couldn't exactly see the stars yet because we were in the middle of the small city. „Where are you planning on going anyway? I mean you can barely see the stars here" Mikasa stated and gave me a curious look from the side. „You'll see", I smiled and just continued walking, Mikasa slightly trailing behind me. „Promise we won't get lost", I gasped in shock, though it was clearly a joke. „I would never get lost", I exclaimed and turned to look at her, she just rolled her eyes at me again, but I could see a smile forming on her face.

„So, are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Mikasa asked 15 minutes later as we passed the campus of college, walking out of town. I pointed at some hill in the distance, the hill was more likely a raising in the landscape, but it was far enough from the city, so it didn't really matter. „We'll Resch it ik about 5 minutes", I smiled at her and Mikasa had to smile as well. I stretched out my hand and she grabbed it, my smile just widened. 5 minutes later we arrived at the small hill, the moon was shining down onto us, spending us enough light so we would be able to see. I put the blanket, I had held the whole time under my free arm, and sat on it, pointing on the place in front of me, motioning Mikasa to sit down as well, what she did as told. Then I pulled out the food of my back pack and put it onto the blanket as well. „Les eat now", I smiled and dug into my food, finishing it in no time, while Mikasa was eating it really calm. „How weren't you starving?" I asked whit big eyes, Mikasa let out her soft laugh and then flicked my forehead. „Idiot, I did eat a bit before I fell asleep", she then said, still laughing, I rolled my eyes at her and muttered a „I could've done that myself", with an annoyed tone in my voice. Then I dug trough my pockets, finding a lighter and a pack of cigarettes, lighting it in no time and taking a drag of it. „Hey Mikasa", I called out for her and she hummed in response, looking up from her food and then at me. „Did you brought the wine?" I asked and grinned, Mikasa put away her food and opened her bag, pulling out a bottle of whine and some whine glasses, then she put them carefully onto the blanket. I put out the cigarette on the weg grass and put my hands onto her cheeks, that were cold because of the air. „I Love you so much", I sounded like a little kid that just got what they had wished for their birthday and Mikasa had to laugh at my childish behavior. I pulled her closer, smashing our lips together. I put my hands on her waist so I could pull her onto my lap, then I broke the kiss, pushing my face in the crook of her neck, so I could take in her lovely sent. Placing some gentle kisses on it I pulled back again, well we were still close, our noses were touching. My eyes pierced her blue ones, non of us dared to move an inches „let's watch the stars, hm?" I suggested and smiled at her, while she glitt back down onto the blanket again. Then we both layer on our backs and started into the sky, that was light up by all the stars and the bright moon.


„I think I just saw a shooting star", Mikasa said from next to me and I turned my head so I could look at her. Her eyes war shining in amazement and a wide smile was on her face. I smiled at her. „Wish for something", I said, still looking at her, while she continued staring into the dark night sky. She closed her eyes, thinking for a wish, while I sat up and grabbed the bottle of whine, pouring it in each of the glasses. Mikasa sat up as well as she was done with her wish. „What did you wish for?" I asked, passing her one of the glasses, a smudge smirk placed it self onto Mikasas lips. „I won't tell you, or it won't come true", I rolled my eyes at her and clicked my tongue in response, then I took a sip of the whine and turned back to look at the sky. As I finished it, I filled the glass up again and drank it. „Y/n?", I hummed and titled my head in her direction. „Is it possible that you're lonely", I chocked at the wine and started to cough. Mikasa softly patted my back until I finished. „Why would you think that, I have you", I mumbled and looked back at the night sky above us. I heard her letting out a small sight. „It's in you're eyes and Even though I am here, I will never be able to fill the loneliness in your heart", I frowned at her statement, she was right, of course she was. Mikasa was always right. I nodded slowly and sighed as well, then I took another sip of the whine. „Don't worry about it", I cracked a weird smile and turned to give her a small kiss on the for head. Then we both turned to look at the sky again. Catching eyes of a wonderful sight, hundreds of shooting stars were lightening the sky up. „It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked witch raspy voice, taking an other sip of my drink. „Yes it really is."

Somewhat romantic (mikasa x genderneutral reader chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now