Lovett | A ONE

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This is THE SECOND BOOK OF A SERIES. Please do not read this book without reading the first book, Adler | The Aces of St. Sinclair

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to pajamas05 and SnowMoana1. Thank you for all the support you've been giving ADLER and I hope you enjoy this second installment!


'Every cloud has a silver lining' was the motto Cassandra lived by.

She believed there was always a good in a bad situation. Like, when she was seven and finally convinced her parents to let her have a bike. The first time she rode it, she fell down a hill and her parents rushed her to the hospital. When the doctors informed Mr. and Mrs. O'Reily the surgery they needed to perform on their daughter would leave a permanent scar, her mother fainted on the spot.

When Cassandra woke up from the anesthetics, sure enough, she had a five centimeter scar above her right brow and was sulking through the walk to the car. She tuned out her mother ranting to her dad to sue the surgeons for decreasing her daughter's value as a woman. God forbid she show gratitude to them from preventing Cassandra being brain dead.

Upon reaching the parking garage, Cassandra crossed paths with a young boy around her age on crutches. He looked directly at her, no doubt regarding her blemish and she ducked her head in shame, expecting he was in horror.

Instead he smiled and said, "Whoa, cool. You've got a lightning bolt like Harry Potter!" He then proceeded to roll up his sleeve to reveal his ghastly scar on his elbow, looking proud to show it off.

That was how Cassandra met her best friend Mark Kingston.


So Cassandra was sure that good wasn't going to change even now, the last month of summer. Before her new term, her father's affair with the secretary got out to the tabloids through an amateur video catching them in the act.

Shagging in the conference room with the blinds open and several ten storey buildings squeezed together was probably not the wisest decision. Her mother filed for divorce instantly and beat him with a Prada bag when he tried to state Cassandra would be in better hands with him.

Cassandra left East Sussex, her best friend Mark and her surname to follow her mother to Surrey where they'd be staying with their closest and richest relative, uncle Jason. He happily welcomed the two to stay in his estate with his only son the moment he heard his sister-in-law left his 'shit stain of a brother'.

Uncle Jason was a cheery man with a sense of humour Cassandra liked. His son Ewen however, who Cassandra hadn't seen since they were ten, was a different story.

In her faint memories, he was very, very quiet and didn't really do much other than sleeping or reading. Though maybe it was a phase thing and now, reuniting with him at aged nineteen would be different. They could even have so much in common and become close- this could've been the silver lining.

Cassandra abandoned that theory after two minutes when she ran into him at the lavish garden. The boy was even worse. He blinked when Cassandra greeted him, then went back to laying down and staring into nothing on his hammock.

Yet uncle Jason and her mother would boast at how outstanding the guy was in his classes at his posh academy, was a member of the school's posh academics club and how three top universities were offering him admission before he'd even graduated. A pure prodigy- blah, blah blah.

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