Epiphany | A FIVE

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A/N: This dedicated to shaobaow and NokukhanyaDube19.

Cassandra was beginning to understand where Ramesh was coming from in calling Adler the spawn of Satan.

Sure, he was still heavenly handsome but every other part of the senior just seemed to be hideous. As if it wasn't hard enough learning she was buttered up by the crafty headmaster, the other victims of the foul treatment received another announcement from the Coeus club.

They were called to gather by the football pitch in their PE kit after class. The bright orange of the practice cones dotted like buds against the lush, grass feilds from where they were laid out in lines. The cynical captain ordered them to pack the cones into the storage units located all the way on the other side but not before having each of their hands tied behind their backs.

Cassandra, along with the rest of them were puzzled on how to go about the instructions in the constricted state.

"Figure it out." Adler had said through a megaphone.


Andrea was the first to arrive at an idea as she sat down by a cone with her back facing it and looped her bound arms around its curved face, then hiked it up to carry in the direction of the destination. Ramesh quickly followed in the actions, before Cassandra and the other three boys copied.

The manner may have been effective in the goal but of course, it took twice as long with what should've taken no time in a normal state. To make matters worse, grey clouds began to shroud the sky and pour out.

It may not have been heavy, but under the circumstances, it only applied the difficulty and Cassandra swore the cruel leader had known the forecast, judging by the umbrellas the Kings seemed to conveniently have prepared. They stayed cozy by the sidelines, leisurely watching the recruits do the degrading task. At one point, the grass grew slippery by the rain and Cassandra tripped on her footing, face and tonsils planting deep into the drenched soil.

His wicked laughter pierced through the icy downpour and Cassandra had never hated any sound more.

After roughly an hour, they'd cleared the field of cones and were freed from their bindings. Ramesh, the prissy doofus, as Cassandra began to call him, made a show to start doing push ups to valiantly prove the task was a breeze.

He only served to completely wear himself out to the extent of being unable to walk on his own. So it was left to Andrea and Cassandra to assist the doofus' sorry arse to the changing rooms.

"Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?" Cassandra sputtered.

"I was thinking... of showing up Adler... that he's going to have to do... more than this... to break my spirit." Ramesh wheezed out.

"Except the dickhead already left before you started." quipped Andrea.

"Wait, seriously?" Ramesh cursed. "Dammit."

"I should've just gone and left too." muttered Andrea bitterly. "This thing was just bullshit."

"Typical. Leave it to the female to quit first." Ramesh breathed out.

"Excuse me?" snarled Andrea.

"It's not sexist, just facts."

"It's sounding hell of a lot sexist to me." Cassandra snapped.

"Come on, don't kid yourself. I'm trying to be nice. We all know your bodies aren't cut out for this level of mental and physical endurance. It's biology."

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