Choice | A NINE

239 21 17

A/N: Dedicated to Nay2661 and JaNiah053


Contrary to her mood, the autumn sky was tinged a warm orange and clear as the day set. She wasn't sure how long she had been sat, hugging her knees before she heard the patter of light footsteps and a fretful Lydia emerged from the corner. She'd hardly been able to speak and settled on texting the blonde her location, fortunately she had actually come.

She certainly wasn't sure what to expect from what life was throwing at her anymore.


Cassandra pushed on a weak smile. "Hey." The crack in her voice echoed in the vacant stairwell.

Immediately Lydia rushed over and crouched to be levelled. "The trial's over right? Did it not go well?"

If it weren't for the lump in Cassandra's throat she would've scoffed. She shook her head.

"Tell me what happened." demanded Lydia.

It took a moment for Cassandra to collect herself. It had all went down possibly half an hour ago, vigorously fresh to the bones and threatening to have the dams keeping the waterworks at bay from leaking. Lydia was patient and waited until Cassandra found the strength to enclose the events. She explained to Lydia the preposterous trial, the choice that was made and before she could make it to the verdict, the jitteriness had her too overwhelmed.

"And?" Lydia pressed on. "What happened when you and Ramesh left the room?"

Cassandra could tell her friend was restraining herself. Taking in Cassandra's state, Lydia didn't want to overstep and add pressure. Cassandra was ever grateful and knew if she didn't say it now, she might not have it in her anytime soon.

"Two of the other members were outside." said Cassandra. "They had these listening devices that were hooked up to the conference room."

Lydia's brows contorted in puzzlement, much like Cassandra's back then. "Okay..."

"And they offered it to us if we wanted to hear it."

"Please don't tell me you said yes."

"Ramesh turned it down and I was going to but, but..."

"Cassandra no..."

"I just, I didn't like the look Andrea gave me before I left and I wanted to know." She buried her face in her hands, chastening her own stupidity. Of course it wouldn't be good. Even the doofus Ramesh knew better.

"So," Lydia swallowed, "what did she say?"

At that, it was like time itself was moving in a gruelling course. Each second Cassandra breathed in and out felt longer than the last and her breaths were growing shakier. She parted her lips and willed them to form a response.

It came to be so silent, Lydia's ear couldn't catch it before it died at the gap between them. "What?" Lydia scooted closer, a hand on Cassandra's knee. "What did she say?"

"She told them about my dad's affair."

An eon went by in silence. The fingers on her knees curled tightly. Cassandra breathed out. "She told them about the whole video and everything and how me being there could damage the image. Which I guess, fits. Oh, and how much I slag off the other girls here and how prejudice I am towards them from coming from a higher class and how my mum's desperate to climb the social ladder here."

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