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A/N: Dedicated to sapphic_jas and


Stevie stood as still as a statue in the middle of the tea party grounds.
A struck look like no other Cassandra had ever seen on the daunting queen. The cause? The unidentified blonde who was calmly getting closer and closer.

"Shit." Cassandra heard Stevie mutter under her breath. "What the hell is he doing here?"

The tall, mysterious gentleman who had Stevie's jaw dropping stretched a wide grin once he was only steps away from ramming into her. He could've too by how paralysed she seemed, eyes saucer wide.

Cassandra was staring too but precisely from his charming face. Arguably, he wasn't the Kings' level but drool worthy nonetheless.

"I'm just going to ask this now," he started. "Are you wearing a bra under there or are those bazookas completely unshelled? And please just say yes, I'm already spinning wet dreams around it for tonight."

Cassandra could only gape at the sentence dropped. To think such a vulgar line came out of a charming and suave face was a sham all on its own. Who even said bazookas anymore?

Stevie seemed to snap out of the trance as a heavy lidded scowl came over. "How did you get in here?"

"Through the gate." He quipped, earning an unimpressed glance. "It's not like I need to be a woman to have a way in. This lot didn't think twice when I just slapped on a tux from the back of my closet and picked up a tray."

Cassandra then properly inspected his apparel. On a first quick glance, he was easy to muddle with the servers who were similarly uniformed, it didn't matter he was younger. It was only on closer observation, one could spot the different pattern in the bloke's tailored coat compared to the rest of the staff. The standard bow was even blue instead of the designated pale purple to match the tables.

"By the way," he carried on. "What is with the tiny snacks? I mean, I've heard of eating light but that wouldn't even stuff an ant. It's ridiculous."

"Hang on," Cassandra interjected, making herself known to the shady guy. "Are you saying you snuck in here?"

He spared a glance to Cassandra, "Yes." Then turned back to Stevie. "Who's the cute thing?"

"None of your business." Stevie sharply replied. "Now what do you think you're doing here, Hess?"

"To see you, darling. I thought that'd be obvious." His tone held a heavily suggestive flirty essence. Cassandra wasn't sure she appreciated it or how close he stood.

"I was promised you'd be in Luxembourg until October." stated Stevie.

"Well, good news, your prayers were answered early. Came in on the jet Friday night and had a nice chat with Garren who told me he was going to stop you from doing something dumb. It sounded fun so I said I wanted in."

Stevie scoffed, shaking her head. "Unbelievable..." She grumbled. "So what, this is meant to be the 'hard way'? I thought Garren could cook up something better. How are you meant stop me when I'm already here? Annoy me until I want to go? And not that that wouldn't be effective but I have a lot of things to distract me from you."

"I beg to differ."

Stevie lifted a brow to the defiant statement, something incomprehensible by the natural senses transpiring between the pair of dark brown eyes and the party crasher's marble blues that conferred to take on the challenge.

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