Trouble | A FOURTEEN

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A/N: Dedicated to flame801 and fuckmylife_bingbong


It wouldn't be a stretch for Cassandra to say she got off pretty easy with the Von Vancouver tea party that went to be... rather eventful.

After Stevie Powell had just up and left because of the shady party crasher, Cassandra was left at the scene with not so friendly looks from Amina and company. It was still easier to face than the wrath of Miranda Lovett and her minion, The Left Twitching Eye.

Her mother grounded her for a week which wasn't too much of a bummer for Cassandra. Aside from not getting to head out with Lydia and meet the shortie's other ridiculous boy-crazy friends which was a little bit of a letdown. Cassandra spent the remaining day of the weekend in her room, rewatching her new beloved TV series, Ill Repute and reading every article she could to reignite her hopes of a return to the new seasons. She even went to drag Ewen out of his comforts so she could convert someone into a fan to obsess over it with.

Her cousin held onto his religion of never seeming to have an interest in anything and reading Marvel comics. Although, he put the book down a few times and did seem to actually be tuning in before they were summoned for dinner. Cassandra tried to test if her scheme was successful and probed the mute boy on what he thought.

He blinked.

After dinner, he came to Cassandra's room to what she assumed was to collect the comic book he left behind, only he stuck around on the side of the bed to watch the rest. Cassandra still strongly preferred, enthusiastic, verbal watchers to tune in with but all in all, it was nice.

When Monday arrived, Cassandra got notice on the morning club meeting but she had kept it in mind since the visit from the two Kings. She'd actually come up with a great idea to head to the clubhouse early and was glum to find the ingenious idea hadn't been hers alone.

Jacob and Ramesh were present prior, already bickering about something. Cassandra couldn't understand how the two could keep to such consistency and was off to tell them to get a room, when she comprehended another early bird.

One she wasn't expecting to see on the premises again.


The hazel eyed Year Nine sat up from his seat and kindly beamed at Cassandra. "Good morning. Um, it's Cassandra right?"

"Yeah," she confirmed, "not be rude but um, I wasn't expecting to see your face around here."

He chuckled. "Yeah, the fever ended up needing more time to come down."

At that, Cassandra recalled it all. Yes, he'd been absent after the gruelling trial in the rain trampled with the frail boy's health— but he'd never actually resigned. Cassandra had just presumed he had quit after but it appeared he'd been absent solely out of being stuck on his sick bed. Cassandra felt partially terrible for not even checking. Close or not, they both shared the ambition to join the place.

"I apologise for making any of you worried. " Kenneth said dutifully, like the good willed little trooper he was.

"No, it's fine. I'm just glad you're alright." Cassandra smiled. "But um, do the others— does the captain and all that know you're here?" She spoke discreetly.

She gathered he must've gotten the notice too to be sitting here but who was to say that psycho Adler hadn't planned on making the boy resume more trials on his own?

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