Judgement | A TWELVE

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A/N: Dedicated to tatyana_green and BeautifulBobB

Cassandra grunted as she flattened out the rumpled collar once more only for it to inevitably spring back up. "Lydia, I can't do this. We need to pick something else." She said into the phone.

'Cassandra are you being for real right now?'


'Isn't the party starting in like, twenty minutes?'

"So? You can just quickly run home and grab me something from your closet that would definitely be better than this."

'Great plan, except for one thing; we're not the same size, my penthouse is fifteen minutes away from the shelter, you'd probably make a fit over anything I'd bring and your mother would freak if you wore something else.'

"That's more than one, smartarse."

She could picture Lydia rolling her eyes. 'The dress can't be that bad. Send me a pic.'

Cassandra did as requested, setting her phone to camera where she choppily framed the heinous frock of honey yellow shackled in a frill frenzy from every conceivable corner, topped off with laced sleeves with gaps wide enough for Cassandra to lose her head in. She was certain it only served the function to snatch away the attention of the glittery massacre of a bow tied by the waist.

When Cassandra swiped away at send, she waited no longer than twelve seconds for a returning call. 'It's cute.'

"Tell me, Lydia when did the accident happen that left you blind?"

'Cass my dear, you just don't know what fashion is.'

"I don't think I want to know what fashion is if this is it. I'll happily stay out of touch for the rest of my life."

'Maybe what's actually bothering you isn't the dress.'

"What are you talking about?"

'I mean, I think you're only channeling your frustration on this which is your subconscious mind diverting it from what's really the problem.'


'It's called misplacement. I learnt it from this psych class I started taking. It's super fun.'

"Right," Cassandra held back an eyeroll, "so tell me Dr. Clarkson, what exactly am I channeling my frustration from?"

'... Andrea?'

Cassandra paused. As much as she would try to put up a smile in person, the frown slipped out now that she was on her own, perfectly captured by the mirror anchored in front.

Since deciding to stay true and not quit, Cassandra walked into Coeus clubroom that morning with her head held high. It was easier than she thought, until she saw the brunette. Andrea was still carrying that woeful look and she immediately ducked her head to dodge anymore eye contact through the meeting.

Andrea left as quick as she could when it ended and the entire day, she actively avoided Cassandra.

'I still think you're mad for even wanting to give that girl a second chance but if she won't even face you after backstabbing you, she doesn't deserve it.'

Cassandra pressed her lips. She caught her chestnut brown eyes staring back at her, still finding that solid verdict. No waver. "Maybe." Cassandra admitted. "But I'm still going to keep reaching out to her. If she wants nothing to do with me, then fine. But I'm not dropping it until I hear it from her after having a proper conversation."

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