Heartfelt | A NINETEEN

116 13 7

A/N: Dedicated to xfaya01 and nfrhours


Stevie could hardly believe what a god awful hand fate was pulling on her. This was scaling to a cosmic level in the probabilities of coincidences for Stevie's path to cross align with the man Oliver Beswick twice in very unfavourable situations.

This one being arguably worse. Their run-in in Amsterdam may have ended on a bitter parting but there was no predicting what length the tides could crash down.

Beswick was on a date with her boyfriend's mum who was still married to her husband of over a decade.

Leave it to the mother of an ignoramus like Rudolph to have an affair and bring it to the dwelling place where anyone like her son could easily walk in. Did she not know how to think ahead? Or was the lack of accurate authenticity of the cuisine so bad she forgot to think with that pea-sized brain?

Either way, there was only one option for Stevie to take regarding these turn of events.

Getting the hell out.

Needless to say, as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that would be a rather tricky task to accomplish without the two adults becoming aware someone was spying on their date.

Unwillingly so. Stevie was close to shuddering at watching the pretentious guy acting like some gentleman with how he was assisting the adulteress, Mrs. Patell take off her coat. The lustful gazes they were exchanging next was what had Stevie wanting to hurl. She restrained, tearing her gaze away to focus on her escape route.

As if it weren't difficult enough, her phone decided at that moment, to blare out, echoing in the spacious vicinity. Specifically, the trumpet ringtone specialised for Benny. Stevie spewed a chorus of curses under her breath.

On the bright side, the disgusting lovebirds were distracted from engaging in their gooey eyes. Attention diverted to the resonating device they knew didn't belong to either of them.

"Is somebody in?" questioned Beswick.

"No, I don't... I mean, there shouldn't be." mumbled Mrs. Patell.

The click of her heels on the floorboards followed the noise to the sofa in the living room. Then a brief silence was provided to inspect the foreign device. Stevie had never been more glad her wallpaper was  of a photo she'd taken of the boys during the trip to Venice making silly faces, no way of exposing her presence.

"Must be one of my son's mates." presumed Mrs. Patell as the ringing ceased. "Probably had some over yesterday and forgot it..."

Stevie caught the sudden damper in Patell's tone. Despite the woman's face being concealed by a decorative vase, Stevie could guess the expression that had fallen.

"What? What's wrong?" asked Beswick.

"O-Oh er, nothing. Nothing." She denied. "I'll just call Rudolph to let him know in case the lad is going around looking for it."

Stevie had to give the vixen a little credit in being skillful to lie so slickly when this was definitely a novice at work. With such slow brain thinking, the woman would be caught in no time. Finally realising the one big threat in her adultery scheme, Mrs. Patell set off to call her son and most likely, supply him a shifty story why she was at home and an excuse not to come back until she approved.
That would subsequently lead to Rudolph possibly texting Stevie's phone with an update that his mother was around. If Mrs. Patell caught a glimpse of a message like that, even a halfwit such as her would unravel the identity of who owned the phone.

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