Them | A TWO

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A/N: I dedicate this second chapter to theaterfreak13 and ECLIPSEWXTCH. I'm always grateful to all your comments and votes and thank you for giving this book a chance.


Even if were far apart ur still my best friend. So u better stay mine cause I'm not letting any nerd have the greatest wizard in all the realm

I'm missing u like crazy over here

stay awesome and magical Cassy Potter ;)

Cassandra smiled wistfully at the texts from Mark. The little nickname he'd made for her when they were small still tugged at her heartstrings all the same. She wished so badly he was here to hold her in his arms, she'd bury her nose in the crook of his neck and everything would be a little less dreary.

It was getter harder to hold herself together. That cheek Ewen was still behaving aloof. The new term was in two bloody days and she hated how the school uniform wasn't optional on skirts. She needed her best friend more than ever but for the past few weeks he'd been less active on messaging. He had explained it was due to East Chesterfield resuming earlier so he was swamped with school stuff but Cassandra was still glum by his lack of presence.

Not to mention, if he was that busy with school stuff then wouldn't this super studious academy be ten times as bad? Cassandra groaned into the pillow, dreading the imagery of being up to her nose in rocket science. Could this honestly get any worse?

Right then, there was a knock at her door before her mother barged in. "Cassandra, darling. You awake?"

Cassandra responded with a muffled grunt from the depths of her pillow.

"Well quit acting like some hermit. Someone wants to talk to you."


"Henry and Adeline Clarkson's daughter."

Immediately, Cassandra lifted her head up. She came to see the phone her mother had in her hands, waving it with a number dialled. Her mother grinned as her daughter lit up.

Through the dark, murky storms her silver lining was finally here.

A week prior when her mother took her to a fitting for the uniform, she mentioned how an acquaintance's daughter attended St. Sinclair.

The Clarkson's made their breakthrough in the beauty industry when they reached out to Cassandra's no-longer-dad for a leg up on starting a day spa. Mr. O'Reily had them started with listing employees to join the spa and Cassandra's mother believed it would be a good way to get her more prepared for womanhood by self nourishment. Her sly mother knew Cassandra would comply if she said it would be helping a family friend fulfill their dream- a righteous cause.

Cassandra fell for it hook, line and sinker. From there she was put through tortuous 'beauty treatments' such as Pilate classes her couch potato body was in no shape for, scary instruments plucking, poking, scraping, frying and oiling parts of her body. She went into hiding when her mother tried to pull her to the waxing station.

In there, she ran into Lydia who was helping on their short staff before the company became the success it was today.

Cassandra liked how Lydia, despite being only thirteen was helping her parents, diligently working with no fuss. Not like the usual snobs Cassandra's mother would force her to associate with who thought any form of manual labour was beneath them.

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