Chapter four

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I laid on my bed that evening, a fire was burning in a fireplace. It were only fifty people, a small crowd. But I was addicted to it. Nobody coul've seen that day coming back home, the day I broke free, I became independant. I'd showered and the purple chiffon dress was laying on a chair. My curls were loose again and I'd put normal contacts in, showig the green colour of my eyes. I was surfing on the internet, reading about Harry Styles when suddenly I realised I hadn't checked my phone for a while now. I crawled over the bed to my purse, which I'd thrown on the ground earlier, I grabbed my phone and pressed the unlock button.
28 missed calls from "Mom"
10 missed calls from "Dad"
24 messages from "Mom"
1 message from "Dad"
I sighed and opened my dad's message. Your mother is freaking out. Just tell us if you're alive. If you're on a journey I'll leave you. I love you honey. I blinked a few times. How could it be that someone I wasn't actually related to knew me so much better than the person I was related to. The messages from my mother had a kind of evolution in it.
It started with: where are you? Still alive? Come back! I am worried.
To long texts about how it was her fault if I'd run away, because she'd taken away all my freedom. I sighed and texted her.
Then I realised I'd better be a little bit more detailed.
Not kidnapped
I turned my nightlight off, thinking my parents would leave it by that...
So foolish.

I woke up by the sunlight coming through my window. Suddenly I realised I'd forgetto close the curtains. Groggily I checked my phone: 8:30 AM
I groaned, I could've slept at least one more houre if I'd closed the curtains. Well, I was awake so I'd better do something. I called room service and ordered some breakfast, then I made my way to the bathroom. I started the shower and sang a little song while washing my hair and body.
Wrapped in nothing more but a towel I opened the door.
"Goodmorning miss."
"Goodmornig sir."
"I've got your breakfast."
"Thank you." I stepped away and he rolled the car inside. After that he was waiting, standing awkwardly in my room. I shot him a confused look, when suddenly realisation hit me. "Oh you want money!", I hurried to my purse and grabbed some dollar bills. The man accepted it, shot one more look on my clothes, or well the absence of it, and went away.
In my towel I started breakfast. I'd put on the news earlier and I nearly choked when I heard the news reader say: "Alexia Alwyn, daughter of Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift is missing."
"Oh my god, you did not...", I murmured. They changed the view from our house to my mom and dad, sittig on a couch. They looked worried.
"We had a fight the day before yesterday.", my mom told, "We think she left when we were asleep."
My dad grabbed her hand. "So she ran away?" My parents nodded. "Please help us find her. Alexia is just a child, she can't survive out there without us."
My dad said, my mom added: "Yeah, she's only fourteen." I don't know why but I just had to laugh by that. Right, keep telling the story mom. But how could I be mad at her... She cares so much about me.
I took my phone and dialed her number. On the tv I saw my mom jumping up, grabbing her phone and answering it. "Honey?!", I heard her voice through my phone and through the television. "Hey mom." My dad joined my mother listening to me.
"I am watching you guys on television righ now. Tell me, why is the story about my age so importnant to you?" My mom sighed, my dad winced. "Is that is Lex? Is that why you left?"
"What! Wait, no! I mean... Yeah, well I don't know!" And like a piñata who'd been given the last slap to and where all the candy bursted out, my emotions did as well.
"I don't know mama!", I cried loudly. I saw my mom and dad with shocking faces. "Maybe I ran away because of that, maybe because I want a carreer, maybe because I want to find my dad. Yes it all matters! It all has to do with it!" Tears were streaming down my face and my voice was screaming loud: "But maybe, MAYBE it was because it felt right. It felt right mama, for the first time in... Well since the day I picked up a guitar, notebook and pencil!" My mom was crying too now: "I'm so sorry sweetheart. I am sorry I've blocked your life, I just don't want you to be someone whose life is controlled by the press."
I sniffed: "You've got to tell them mom."
Somehow she knew perfectly about what I was talking.
"No... I can't. I really can't."
I guess I did one of the hardest things ever then, I hung up.
On tv I watched my mom screaming my name falling donw to te floor.
My heart ached, I broke a strong women.
I fell down my bed and cried. I wasn't the big strong teenager I tried to be. I was Alexia Alwyn. I had a dream. But I knew nothing about life.

What do you guys think is goig to happen now,

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