Chapter ten

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"This is magical.", my mom whispered. "Every person in this room has done something for the art called music. We are all magicians.", she kissed my cheek and walked backstage. She had to perform.
I was shifting uneasily on my chair. When I felt my phone buzzing in my purse I almost sighed in relief. "Thank God.", I mumbled when I saw Colette's name.
I'm row 17, you coming?
Sure omw
I jumped up and walked through the corridors of chairs towards row seventeen. "Lexi!", I turned around and saw Silias grabbing my arm. "What are you doing? Why did you leave your chair?" I smiled at him: "I am gonna make some history.", Colette had texted me her plan and it was amazing.
And terrifying.
But amazing!
"I'm coming with you."
"Oh Silias you really don't have to -"
"I am your friend, I am here for you when you need me okay. I'm coming with you.", he interrupted me.
"Thanks.", I sad softly and hugged him.
We hurried togheter towards the girl with the black hair standing at the beginning of row seventeen. "You do realise you brought someone with you, do you?", Colette asked me, giving a quick hug and raising her right eyebrow. "Yeah, I do." Colette looked at Silias. "So Timberlake... Can you sing?"

We were standing backstage. Colette was helping me getting dressed for our plan. I got rid of the long pink dress and was trying to get into a short red dress. "Please tell methe wind machines will be off.", I said while holding my breath so my friend could close the zipper. "Of course! This is chiffon, I am not letting you stand in your panties in front if the whole music industry!"
"Right. Thanks for reminding me who is in there again."
I hear my mom performing, she did a medley of her greatest hits ald it fer weird to hear her sing Our Song again. Silias ran into our backstage room. "You got five minutes when your mom stops singing." I nodded. "You'll be there right?" He gave me a smile: "Yes.", he closed the door again and Colette made a weird sound: "God he is so damned hot." I opened the door and laughed. "You think so?" She looked at me like I was crazy: "Have you ever even looked at him?" I rolled my eyes: "Yeah but he's like... Not like a brother more like a... Cousin. He's like a cousin to me."
"An insanely hot cousin!" We stood near the stage now and my mom had left. Two people, I didn't know them, entered the stage. I inhaled deeply. There was no going back now.
"And the nominees for album of the year are..."
Colette squeezed my hand.
"And the winner is... Alexia Alwyn... Wait what?!"
But the music had already started and Colette had run upon the stage to push the people aside. I ran upon the stage too but I kept standing there. Waiting for my moment to come.
"She knows about you in every way
She's memorized every part of your face. Inside and out, baby, head to toe
Yeah, she knows everything there is to know."
Then I looked aside and Silias walked upon the stage.
"Your secret tattoo the way you change moods te songs that you sing when you're all alone. You're favorite band and the way that you dance but baby, baby."
We smiled and togheter we song the chorus. I sang She, but no one bothered about it. Somehow everyone loved us and teu let us do our thing. "Does (s)he know that you never go back owo owow owo does (s)he know!"
Silias took my wrist and while singing he spinned me around. "If she's not around baby let me know."
"Your secret tattoo the way you change moods, the songs that you sing when you all alone. He knows how you dance in front of your friends but baby."
Silias and I were standing on the stage and I we were having fun. Fun for normal kids would probably be hanging out somewhere and dancing in the headlights of their cars. But that kind of fun didn't exist for us, celebrity kids. So this was our fun. Standing on a stage in front of everyone who has to do with the art you love, and showing them that the undiscovered talent sometimes was much better than the discovered talent.
"Does (s)he know that you nevergo back ow ow owowo ow owowo does (s)he know ow ow owow."
Silias took the lead. "HE'LL NEVER KNOW! The way you lie when your looking at me, so keep trying but you know I see all the little things that make you who you are."
My time to take over, in cristal clear voice I sang the high notes: "Does she know you can move it like that? Does she know that you never go back?" We were standing close but there wasn't any tension between us. Just two friends having fun.
The song had ended. For a moment I was afraid security gards would get me off stage. I put the mic down and whispered to Silias: "Seriously, if they put me in jail, your dad will have to bail me out." He arched his eyebrows: "They won't touch you Alexia. Believe me."
We were standing awkwardly there for like fifteen seconds but then someone stood up and a lot of people started following him. And with a lot I mean a lot.
They al clapped for us and Silias took the mic, said my name and everyone yelled. I made a bow and took my mic, saying Silias's name. Again yelling. We ran off to the backstage were Colette hugged me. "Timberlake you were great." Silias gave us a weak smile. "Thanks guys but I think I gotta talk to my dad." We nodded.
I didn't have to look for my parents. Not since they were standing right in front of me.
"Mama I-"
"No sweetie. Don't apologise, what you just did was the bravesr thing ever. And I could see," she blinked a few tears back, "I could see that you were born for that stage." We hugged eachother then my dad started talking: "Have you already told Silias you're not ready for a relationship?"
We all looked dumbfounded at him.
Colette interrupted this, slightly awkward, moment with telling us somethig awesome: "She will have some record deals oppurtunities, don't waiste them."
My mom smiled and hugged Colette: "We won't." She touched her black hair and asked: "Is this the real color?" Colette shook her head: "No, it's dyed. My real color is brown." My mom looked like she had to vomit and turned away. My dad sighed, and ran after her. "Is your mother allergic to paint?", Colette asked. I shook my head slowly: "Not at all..."


I freed my feet from the stilletos I'd been wearin all night long. It felt like heaven.
I took my phone texting Silias:
Rather be dancing in headlights with a normal girl or singing on a stage with a celeb's daughter?
His response came quickly:
Singing :)
Me too :)
I smiled, and before I turned off my nightlight I realised that I had enjoyed that moment. And that I told the truth to Silias.
And by that, for the first time in sixteen years, I truly enjoyed every part of my celebrity life.

Hey guys!!!!!
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Please tell me :)
And what do you think Silias and Alexia  have? A true friendship or love?
I know it, but I wanna hear your thoughts :)
Don't forget to
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Xoxo Lou

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