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This story is a retelling of Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, but through the eyes of Violet Ward, a student a year younger than Harry Potter. Though, the overall storyline is cohesive with that of J.K. Rowling's, the plot has variations and certain concepts and scenes are modified to better fit the alternative storyline presented, as well as an additional, unseen ending. This fanfiction takes from both the movies and the books and of course my own imagination (view above). This fanfiction took me about three summers to write, and although I've gone back and edited, you may notice the writing in the very first chapters is not the most pristine, but I promise, it does get much better as you continue, (please give it a chance). However, notable disclaimer, in no way am I comparing my writing nor am I putting it at the same level as J.K. Rowling.

 (It would be most appreciated if readers looked at the Author's Notesat the end of the fanfiction after having read the entirety of the work)

Thank You

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