Chapter 1: Another year at Hogwarts

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Violet Ward sat with a group of friends at the Gryffindor table. She was returning this year for the fifth time to Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. Voilet was a halfblood who grew up in London, occasionally taking trips to wizarding towns such as Appleby. Her farther, Ralph Ward, was a high ranking official in the Departement of Muggle-Wizard Affaires, which is how he met her muggle mother, Julie Ward. Violet had attended a small muggle private school on the outskirts of London, until, of course, she received her long awaited letter from Hogwarts. Now she spent most of her year in a giant castle in the Scottish countryside; returning to her family during Holidays and once school terms had finished for the summer.

Voilet and the rest of the Hogwarts students had taken their places at the grand tables of the Great Hall earlier that evening. A group of first years stood at the front center of the massive hall. Facing them was Professor McGonagall, her eyes racing down a scroll she held in front of her nose. In her free hand, she held a dusty, old hat: the Sorting Hat. Violet's eyes followed a newly sorted Ravenclaw as the kid took her seat.

"I bet he's going to be a Slytherin." Her friend, Alyssa Sings, muttered, next to her; pointing with her nose to a tall, sly looking young boy, who approached the little brown stool. A friendly, but misleading, smirk rested casually on his face as McGonagall set the Sorting Hat on his neat black hair.

"Hey, not all Slytherins are bastards." Violet shot back slightly annoyed about the assumptions Alyssa had so carelessly made.

"SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat called almost immediately and Violet herd a chuckle from Alyssa that seemed to say 'I told you so'.

Slowly each 11 year old had been sorted into their proper house and when they were all seated, Professor Dumbledore stood up, yet he did not speak, giving the students time to welcome their new classmates. Once the room seemed to quiet down enough the old man cleared his throat. Instantly, every voice fell silent. There was a pause as the old man's gaze went from face to face, then rested on someone a bit farther down the Gryffindor table than Violet, Harry Potter. Dumbledore's eyes lingered on The-Boy-Who-Lived for a couple heartbeats before turning his head and speaking.

"Good Evening!" He bellowed warmly, "Welcome to the students joining us this year for the first time, and a great welcome back to all those returning. Before we go any further I would like to remind all students that the forbidden forest is off limits to...." Dumbledore went through his usual speech, welcoming students, reminding everyone of the rules and standards, then proceeding to announce the new teachers of the year. "We are proud to welcome back Horus Slughorn, who will be teaching Potions this year. As for Defense Against the Dark Arts, the teaching of this subject will be taken upon Professor Snape's responsibility." There was a soft rumble of whispers growing in the Hall.

"Bloody Hell, Professor Snape?" Ron Weasley, a sixth year and best friend of Harry Potter, gasped to the group of friends at his sides.

Once the news had sunken in, Dumbledore finished his speech and invited the people of the hall to eat. The tables sprung to life with food and the happy chatter of kids as they discussed their summer adventures. However, Violet wasn't her talkative self this evening, something seemed off about Hogwarts this year. A small cloud of darkness seemed to have drifted over this beloved school. The young witch looked up from her plate. Her eyes were fixed in front of her, but were out of focus. When they finally came to, she found herself staring at a blond haired boy at the Slytherin table. The boy grunted obviously not in the mood to talk to the kid next to him, who seemed to have so much to say. The Slytherin let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair, before looking up. His eyes met Violet's and she felt her blood run cold. Immediately, her head shot back down to her plate, but she could still feel his gaze on her. Violet did not dare look back up again until the meal had been eaten and the dessert course severed, and when the young girl did, she was relieved that the boy's attention was back on his mates at this own table. The boy had been no other than Draco Malfoy.

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