Chapter 14: Old Habits Die Hard

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Violet sat at her old wooden desk. It was just about sunset and the room was lit by a warm orange glow. The young witch had returned to her home that morning. She would spend the rest of her Holidays with her family in their urban London house, eating her favorite, childhood foods, and listening to an endless flow of dad-jokes.

Violet ran her fingers in zigzags along her desk; in front of her lay a white, ceiled envelope. She studied it for a few more seconds before deciding to open it. She read slowly, mouthing the words subtly.

Dear Violet,

Things aren't going great here, at home. I don't know many details, but "guests" keep showing up at our house. My father keeps whispering to them privately, and it's NEVER good when he whispers. Something bad is going to happen, they're planning something. However, I do know one thing for sure. I don't have much time to explain, if anyone catches me writing this, I'll put myself in danger. Please Violet, this is a warning. You have to get out of the Weasley house before nightfall! If you can, take Potter and the others with you, but don't tell them I said anything. Stay safe,


P.S. burn this letter after reading it

Violet sat there, her lips parted in shock. He knew? Draco had known about the attack. He wanted to warn me! She felt a rush of hot annoyance pour through her body causing her fingers to clench. If the stupid owl had brought the letter to the right person, if Harry hadn't been so uptight about Violet receiving a letter from Draco, this all could have been avoided. They could have prepared; they would have gotten away. Why is Harry like this? Draco's a good person! He was warning us. Harry thinks he's a hero. Why does he think he's the only one that can save the world? He put us all in danger! Question after question flew through her head. And what does "They're planning something" mean? What's going to happen to us? She reread the letter over and over again, hoping each time that she would be able to understand, that she would realize she missed information. But it seemed that every time she studied the letter, the more she became lost.

Even once the sun had disappeared behind the city landscape, and she was plunged into darkness, Violet sat at her old wooden desk, unable to rest her mind. The girl had to fight back the urge to take a pen and start writing back to the blond Slytherin, knowing full well it was too risky for him to be receiving letters at Malfoy Manner from her.

"Hey honey bun," a voice suddenly broke through the room as the door creaked upon. In a jolt of her hands, Violet pulled the letter into her lap and out of sight. But she wasn't quick enough. With a raised eyebrow her mother stepped into the room. "What do you have there?"

"Ah, nothing." Violet said waving the envelope and doing her best to dismiss it, "Just a letter."

"From who?" her mother added in intrigue, taking a seat on the bed.

"A friend. Honestly mum it's not a big deal, he's just telling me how his holidays are going."

"He? Is he attractive?"

Violet paused. "Mum, I'm serious. It's nothing; we're just friends."

"Well if you say so," her mother gave a quick wink, "Dinner will be ready soon. So come down stairs."

The young witch waited for the woman to leave then let out a long sigh. "God damn it, Violet." She muttered and tossed the now crumpled letter across the room before exiting.

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