Chapter 19: Peace in the Stars (part 2)

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Violet didn't sleep well that night. Something else was on her mind, and Draco's confession wouldn't be able to distract her from it forever. As she lay there, legs tangled in her bed sheets, her thoughts kept going back to a dark place. Every time her eyes would even hint at closing, she was reminded of that haunting buzzing noise. Up until now, she hadn't really considered the dream that she had had after the Grindylow attack, but presently, in the calm of the night, that was all she could think about.

The girl still felt uneasy, as the sun pooled into the dormitory. She glanced over at Ginny's slowly waking body, suddenly feeling compelled to tell her everything; everything about the cabinet, about Draco, about her dream, but she stopped herself. She truly wanted to tell her friend, yet there was something deep inside her that told Violet she couldn't. I should just deal with this on my own. However, as the day progressed, Violet pestered herself with more and more questions that she could not answer.

"That's it for today," Professor Flitwick raised his voice in order to make himself heard over the now stirring class, "Please look over those essays! You'll surely have something similar on the O.W.Ls," but it was all in vein, the majority of the students already pilling at the door.

"Sir?" Violet asked, lingering behind. The last student slipped out, the door shutting behind him.

"Violet! How can I help you?" said the professor, his wand dancing in the air frantically, as he organized all his papers and books in a neat pile on the desk.

"You know how earlier in the year you said I could talk to you if there was ever anything." He was definitely listening now, and he lifted himself onto his chair so that he was at the same level as Violet. She continued, "I was just wondering, do dreams mean anything. Like, are there certain types of dreams, you know...sorry, I don't know if I'm making any sense."

"Hmm, perhaps this might be a better question for Professor Trelawny or Professor Snape," Flitwick suggested, however he must have spotted the obvious look of disfavor on her face, for he added, "Well, dreams are very interesting. They can either be utterly dismissible figments of our imagination, or they can possibly be visions and messages."

"But Sir, how do you know which one it is?" The eagerness broke through her words.

"It's up to us as individuals to determine which one they are, and more importantly, to determine whether they are worth acting upon." He ran a hand through his hair before flashing an inane smile, "But, honestly Professor Trelawny and Professor Snape would know more about the matter than me." Violet paused debating whether or not she was actually whiling to speak with one of them...certainly not Snape.

"Thanks anyways, Sir," she breathed, turning to leave.

"Is everything okay?" he stopped her, "You're doing alright?"

"Yes, perfectly," she answered simply, though there was little truth to it. With one last respectful smile, she fixed her book bag on her shoulder and left. Violet jumped, the click of the door behind her; Ginny's pouting face challenged Violet.

"What dream?" the ginger asked, surely having eaves dropped on the conversation.

"Oh's not a big deal, trust me," Violet's voice quivered slightly, she cleared her throat, "Shouldn't we head to lunch now?"

"Violet you can't dismiss me like this. What's going on?" Even as Violet started walking, Ginny did not move.

"I'll explain some other time, promise," sighed the witch.

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